How Do I Create a Distribution Plot in Matplotlib?

Creating a distribution plot in Matplotlib is a fairly straightforward process. First, import the Matplotlib library, then use the hist function to create a histogram plot. You can customize the plot by specifying various parameters such as the number of bins, labels, title, and color. Finally, you can add labels and annotations to the plot to enhance its clarity. With these steps, you can easily create a distribution plot in Matplotlib.

There are two common ways to create a distribution plot in Python:

Method 1: Create Histogram Using Matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.hist(data, color='lightgreen', ec='black', bins=15)

Note that color controls the fill color of the bars, ec controls the edge color of the bars and bins controls the number of bins in the histogram.

Method 2: Create Histogram with Density Curve Using Seaborn

import seaborn as sns
sns.displot(data, kde=True, bins=15)

Note that kde=True specifies that a density curve should be overlaid on the histogram.

The following examples show how to use each method in practice to visualize the distribution of values in the following NumPy array:

import numpy as np

#make this example reproducible.

#create numpy array with 1000 values that follow normal dist with mean=10 and sd=2
data = np.random.normal(size=1000, loc=10, scale=2)

#view first five values

array([13.24869073,  8.77648717,  8.9436565 ,  7.85406276, 11.73081526])

Example 1: Create Histogram Using Matplotlib

We can use the following code to create a histogram in Matplotlib to visualize the distribution of values in the NumPy array:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#create histogram
plt.hist(data, color='lightgreen', ec='black', bins=15)

The x-axis displays the values from the NumPy array and the y-axis displays the frequency of those values.

Note that the larger the value you use for the bins argument, the more bars there will be in the histogram.

Example 2: Create Histogram with Density Curve Using Seaborn

We can use the following code to create a histogram with a overlaid on it using the seaborn data visualization library:

import seaborn as sns

#create histogram with density curve overlaid
sns.displot(data, kde=True, bins=15)

The result is a histogram with a density curve overlaid on it.

The benefit of using a density curve is that it summarizes the shape of the distribution using a single continuous curve.

Note: You can find the complete documentation for the seaborn displot() function .

The following tutorials explain how to create other common charts in Python:
