How can I create a table in Google Sheets?

To create a table in Google Sheets, follow these steps:
1. Open a new or existing Google Sheets document.
2. Select the cells that you want to include in your table.
3. Click on the “Insert” tab and choose “Table” from the drop-down menu.
4. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to adjust the size and style of your table.
5. Once you have made your selections, click “Insert” to create the table.
6. Your table will now be visible in your spreadsheet, and you can add or edit data as needed.
Creating a table in Google Sheets is a simple and efficient way to organize and present data in a clear and organized manner.

Create a Table in Google Sheets (Step-by-Step)

This tutorial provides a step-by-step example of how to create beautiful tables in Google Sheets.

Step 1: Enter the Raw Data

First, let’s enter the raw values for some dataset:

Step 2: Format the Header

First, let’s make the header text bold and centered:

Step 3: Format the Columns

Next, we’ll format the values in the columns. As a rule of thumb, use the following formats:

Text: Align text values left.

Numbers: Align numbers center.

Our text columns are already left-aligned, so we’ll simply center-align the values in the points column:

Step 4: Use Alternating Colors

Next, we can format the table to use alternating colors.

Simply highlight all of our data, then click Format along the top ribbon, then click Alternating colors.

Step 5: Add a Border

Lastly, we’ll add a border to every cell in our table.

Simply highlight all of our data, then click the Border button and click All borders:

Our table is complete:

How to create a table in Google Sheets

Additional Resources
