Excel: Format Axis Labels in Millions

Excel is a powerful tool for data analysis and visualization. It allows users to quickly and easily format and manipulate data to create charts, graphs, and other visualizations. One of the most useful features of Excel is the ability to format axis labels in millions. This allows users to quickly compare large values in a chart, making it easier to understand the data and better visualize patterns and trends. This tutorial will provide step-by-step instructions on how to format axis labels in millions in Excel.

The easiest way to format axis labels in millions in Excel is to use the Format Axis feature.

The following examples show how to use this feature in practice to format the y-axis labels in millions on the following bar chart in Excel that shows the total units sold by various retail stores:

Example 1: Format Axis Labels in Millions Using Display Units

First, right click on any of the y-axis labels, then click Format Axis:

In the Format Axis panel that appears on the right side of the screen, click the dropdown arrow next to Axis Options, then click the dropdown arrow next to Display Units, then click Millions:

The y-axis labels will automatically be displayed in millions:

Example 2: Format Axis Labels in Millions Using Format Code

Another way to format the axis labels in millions is to use the Format Code option.

Once again, right click on any of the y-axis labels on the bar chart, then click Format Axis:

In the Format Axis panel that appears on the right side of the screen, click the dropdown arrow next to Number, then type [>999999] #,,”M”;#0 in the Format Code box:

Once you click Add, the y-axis labels will automatically be shown in millions with an “M” at the end of each number:

Excel axis in millions

Note that if you’d like the entire word “Million” to appear, you could instead type [>999999] #,,” Million”;#0 in the Format Code box.

Once you click Add, the axis labels will be shown with the word “Million” next to each number:

Feel free to use whichever format code you prefer to display the axis labels in millions.

In conclusion, formatting axis labels in millions in Excel is a simple process that can be done using either the Format Axis feature or a Format Code. This tutorial provided examples of both methods and explained how to use them in practice. With the knowledge gained from this tutorial, you should now be able to format axis labels in millions in Excel with ease.
