Self-Care Inventory – Revised (SCI – R)

Self-Care Inventory – Revised (SCI – R)
La Greca‚ 2004; Weinger‚ Butler‚ Welch‚ & La Greca‚ 2005
How often do you:
1.    Exercise regularly
2.    Attend clinic appointments
3.    Eat recommended food portions
4.    Adjust insulin
5.    Keep food records
6.    Treat low blood glucose
7.    Carry quick acting sugar for lows
8.    Read food labels
9.    Wear medic alert
10.Check blood glucose with monitor
11.Eat meals/snacks on time
12.Take insulin at the right time
13.Record blood glucose results
14.Check ketones
15.Take correct dose of insulin
1. Check blood glucose with monitor
2. Record blood glucose results
3. If type 1: Check ketones when glucose level is high.)Have type 2diabetes(
4. Take the correct dose of diabetes pills or insulin. (Not taking diabetes pills or insulin)
5. Take diabetes pills or insulin at the right time. (Not taking diabetes pills or insulin)
6. Eat the correct food portions
7. Eat meals/snacks on time
8. Keep food records
9. Read food labels
10. Treat low blood glucose with just the recommended amount of carbohydrate. (Never had low blood glucose)
11. Carry quick acting sugar to treat low blood glucose
12. Come in for clinic appointments
13. Wear a Medic Alert ID
14. Exercise
15. If on insulin: Adjust insulin dosage based on glucose values‚ food‚ and exercise. (Not on insulin)
Never do it‚ Almost never do it‚ Sometimes do it‚ Almost always do it‚ Always do this as recommended‚ without fail
Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Always

La Greca‚ A. M.‚ Auslander‚ W. F.‚ Greco‚ P.‚ Spetter‚ D.‚ Fisher Jr‚ E. B.‚ & Santiago‚ J. V. (1995). I get by with a little help from my family and friends: Adolescents’ support for diabetes care. Journal of Pediatric Psychology‚ 20(4)‚ 449-476.

La Greca‚ A. M. (2004). Manual for the Self Care Inventory. Unpublished manuscript‚ University of Miami.

Weinger‚ K.‚ Butler‚ H. A.‚ Welch‚ G. W.‚ & La Greca‚ A. M. (2005). Measuring diabetes self-sare: A psychometric analysis of the self-sare inventory-revisedwith adults. Diabetes Care‚ 28(6)‚ 1346-1352.

Khagram‚ Leena.‚ Martin‚ Colin R.‚ Davies‚ Melanie J and Speigh‚ Jane. (2013 ). sychometric validation of the Self-Care Inventory-Revised (SCI-R) in UK adults with type 2 diabetes using data from the AT.LANTUS Follow-on study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes‚
