Scale of Beliefs on the Role of the Father after a Divorce (ECRP-D)

1. It is important for a father to spend time with his children.
2. It is important for children to spend time with their father.
3. Spending more time with my children makes me feel like a better father.
4. Showing affection helps me have a better relationship with my children.
5. Divorced/separated fathers should have more opportunities to spend time with their children.
6. I believe that paying child support is not my only obligation as a father.
7. I f I pay child support I can see my children more often. Economic role
8. I believe that if I pay child support‚ the mother of my children allows me to spend more time with them.
9. I believe that paying child support helps me have a better relationship with my children.
10. I believe that if I don’t pay child support I lose the right to see my children.
11. I believe that by paying child support I meet my obligation as a father.
12. I believe that if I pay child support‚ the mother of my children allows me to participate in their education.
·         Divorce
·         Affective role
·         Economic role
This instrument can be found on pages 113-115 of Latino Families and Youth: A Compendium of Assessment Tools‚ available online at:
1 = Strongly disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Undecided
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly agree

Vega‚ I. & Smith-Castro‚ V. (2009). Correlatos y predictors del cumplimiento de pago de la pensión alimentaria en padres divorciados o separados. Revista Interamericana de Psicología‚ 43‚ 395-404.

Vega‚ I. & Smith-Castro‚ V. Creencias en torno al rol paterno posdivorcio: Primeras evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de su medida (unpublished document)..
