Personal Wellbeing Index

Personal Wellbeing Index (single Item)
“How satisfied are you with your life as a whole?”
Part 1 (Optional Item)
General life satisfaction
“Thinking about your own life and personal circumstances‚ how satisfied are you with your life as a whole?”
Part 2
“How satisfied are you with…?”
1.    your standard of living?
2.    your health?
3.    what you are achieving in life?
4.    your personal relationships?
5.    how safe you feel?
6.    feeling part of your community?
7.    your future security?
8.    your spirituality or religion? [optional item]
PWI-SC Scale
How happy are you with your life as a whole ? [Optional]
How happy are you…?
1.    about the things you have? Like the money you have and the things you own?
2.    with your health?
3.    with the things you want to be good at ?
4.    about getting on with the people you know ?
5.    about how safe you feel ?
6.    about doing things away from your home ?
7.    about what may happen to you later on in your life ?
“How happy do you feel about…?”
1.    the things you have? Like the money you have and the things you own?
2.    how healthy you are?
3.    the things you make or the things you learn?
4.    getting on with the people you know?
5.    how safe you feel?
6.    doing things outside your home?
7.    how things will be later on in your life?
PWI-A: designed for use with the general adult population‚ aged at least 18 years.
PWI- SC: designed for use with school-age children and adolescents.
PWI-PS: designed for use with pre-school age children.
PWI-ID: designed for use with people who have an intellectual disability or other form of cognitive impairment.
PWI-A: 0= Completely Dissatisfied to 10= Completely Satisfied
PWI- SC: 0= Very sad to 10= Very Happy

Cummins‚ R. A.‚ McCabe‚ M. P.‚ & Romeo‚ Y. (1994). The Comprehensive Quality of Life Scale –Intellectual Disability: Results from a Victorian Survey. Paper presented at the 29th National Conference of the Australian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability.

Cummins‚ R. A.‚ McCabe‚ M. P.‚ Romeo‚ Y.‚ & Gullone‚ E. (1994). The Comprehensive Quality of Life Scale: Instrument development and psychometric evaluation on tertiary staff and students. Educational and Psychological Measurement‚ 54‚ 372-382.

Cummins‚ R. A.‚ Eckersley‚ R. Pallant‚ J. Van Vugt‚ J‚ & Misajon‚ R. (2003). Developing a national index of subjective wellbeing: The Australian Unity Wellbeing Index. Social IndicatorsResearch‚ 64‚ 159-190.

Cummins‚ R. A.‚ Lau‚ Anna‚ L.D. (2005). Personal Wellbeing Index –Intellectual Disability: MANUAL (3th ed). Australian Centre on Quality of Life‚ School of Psychology‚ Deakin University.

Cummins‚ R. A.‚ Lau‚ Anna‚ L.D. (2005). Personal Wellbeing Index –School Children (PWI-SC): MANUAL (3th ed). Australian Centre on Quality of Life‚ School of Psychology‚ Deakin University.

Wellbeing Group. (2006). Personal Wellbeing Index (4th ed.). Melbourne: Australian Centre on Quality of Life‚ Deakin University

Tomyn‚ Adrian J.‚ Cummins‚ Robert A. (2010). The Subjective Wellbeing of High-School Students: Validating the Personal Wellbeing Index—School Children. Soc Indic Res‚

Wellbeing Group. (2006).  Personal Wellbeing Index. In: Simmons C. A.‚ Lehmann P. (eds). Tools for strengths-based assessment and evaluation‚ New York‚ NY: Springer‚ pp. 72-73. (2013). Google Scholar

International Wellbeing Group (2013). Personal Wellbeing Index: 5th Edition. Melbourne: Australian Centre on Quality of Life‚ Deakin University
