Organizational Practices Questionnaire


The items in this scale can be organized into two different taxonomies: 1) dimensions of organizational practices and values related to safety management systems; and 2) the organizational culture models proposed by the Competing Values Framework.

The questionnaire consists of 4 sections. The first section presents a brief description of the project and specific instructions on how to fill in the questionnaire. The second section concentrates on background material both in relation to company information and about workers own personal information related to their job. The third section is comprised of items about the organizational values, leadership style, motivational patterns, training programs, communication, safety behaviour promotion, use of information about incidents and accidents and, job satisfaction. Each item has a Likert response scale of 7 points to reflect the degree of agreement, satisfaction or frequency with each question. Finally, respondents are given an opportunity to provide their opinion and feedback on the questionnaire itself.


The scale has shown adequate levels of reliability (Díaz Cabrera, Hernandez-Fernaud, & Diaz, 2007).

Author of Tool:

Díaz Cabrera, D., Hernandez-Fernaud, E., & Diaz, R. I.

Key references:

Diaz-Cabrera, D., Hernandez-Fernaud, E., & Diaz, R. I. (2007). An evaluation of a new instrument to measure organisational safety culture values and practices. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 39, 1202-1211.

Primary use / Purpose:

The objective of the Organizational Practices Questionnaire is to assess the cultural values, beliefs, etc. of maintenance personnel. In particular, assessing how these cultural characteristics influence safety in work processes



Questionnaire of Organizational Practices

The Human Centered System for Aircraft Maintenance Safety (ADAMS 2) project is a European research initiative concerning the role of Human Factors in safety and reliability in aircraft maintenance, with the aim of developing improved systems and tools in the European maintenance industry.
This survey is aimed at assessing your views about safety and risk prevention in your organization. We would like to thank you for answering every question with attention and sincerity. There are no right or wrong answers, any response is good, as long as you answer each question according to what you really think.
In the following pages there are some questions about different aspects of organizations, grouped into topics. Please mark with an “X” in the scale of 1 to 7 whether you are agree or disagree with each question.

1. Name of the company:
2. Name of the job:
3. Area / Division in the Maintenance or Human Resources Department:
4. Activity to be performed:
5. Level of responsibility (Mark with an X):

  • (1) Unit Manager
  • (2) Shift Manager
  • (3) Team Manager
  • (4) Brigadier /Crew Manager
  • (5) Technician
  • (6) Other (please specify)

6. Present job situation (Mark with an X):

  • (1) Full-time Permanent
  • (2) Part-time Permanent
  • (3) Temporary contract
  • (4) Other (please specify)

7. Have you had any work accidents in the last twelve months? (Mark with an X):

(1) No

(2) Yes,

with absence of leave (3) Yes, without absence of leave


8. Sex (Mark with an X):

  • (1) Male
  • (2) Female

9. Age:
10. Time in the company: years months
11. Time in the job: years months
12. Level of Education (Mark with an X):

  • (1) Primary education
  • (2) Lower secondary education
  • (3) Upper secondary education
  • (4) Non-university higher education
  • (5) University diploma
  • (6) University degree

13. Training (Mark with an X):
(1) Apprenticeship (2) Limited Authorization
(3) Full Authorization (4) Other (please specify):


1. In my company, workers only contribute with information about incidents and accidents that are clearly observable and/or serious.
2. In my company, workers contribute with information about incidents and accidents from their experience in the work context.
3. In my company, workers participate with information about those incidents and accidents that interfere with achieving the work goals set.
4. In my company, workers participate in the development of new incident and accident reporting systems and new working procedures.
5. My company values in the workers the correct observation of safety rules and procedures.
6. My company values the sincerity and participation of all workers in information collection about incidents and accidents.
7. My company values the collaboration of all workers in the solution of problems related to work goal achievement.
8. My company values workers’ initiative and implication in finding new solutions to improve safety.
9. In my company, the results of incident and accident investigation are used to develop changes in work procedures according to solutions given by workers with the aim of improving safety.
10. In my company, the results of incident and accident investigation are used for the revision of previously set work goals to adapt these to specific situations.
11. In my company, the results of incident and accident investigation are used for providing information to workers about non-observation of safety rules and procedures and for developing disciplinary procedures.
12. In my company, the results of incident and accident investigation are used for the detection of training needs and training program development.


13. In my company, standard operation procedures and safety rules are flexible with the aim of adapting them to workers and work team.
14. In my company, it is possible to make suggestions and modifications in order to adapt the safety rules and procedures to changes in the work context.
15. In my company, standard operation procedures and safety rules are obligatory criteria of how to perform the work.
16. In my company, standard operation procedures and safety rules are general guidelines, because productivity goals set by internal and external demands have priority.


17. My company values the collaboration and participation of team workers in order to promote safety.
18. My company values the observation of safety rules and procedures in order to promote safety.
19. My company values the contribution of new and creative ideas from workers with the aim of improving safety.
20. My company values the achievement of the goals set, both in productivity and safety.
21. In my company, if a worker’s performance is safe, he/she avoids being sanctioned.
22. In my company, if a worker’s performance is safe, he/she obtains greater work autonomy and responsibility.
23. In my company, if economic incentives. a worker’s performance is safe, he/she obtains promotion and salary and workmates.
24. In my company, if a worker’s performance is safe, he/she obtains recognition from managers and workmates.


25. In my company, the communication among workers and superiors about issues related to safety in the work context is common.
26. In my company, it is usual to communicate to workers the safety aims to be achieved.
27. In my company, the formal communication of safety rules and procedures to be observed by workers is usual.
28. In my company, the direct communication among workmates to suggest and find improved safety solutions is common.


29. My immediate superior encourages creativity and the contributions of suggestions; tries out new ideas and concepts; faces up to challenges; anticipates and facilitates change and transmits a global vision of our organization.
30. My immediate superior defines, plans and co-ordinates aims; motivates subordinates to achieve these aims; acknowledges achievement, gives instructions; emphasizes effort and evaluates performance.
31. My immediate superior organizes and co-ordinates work planning; organizes and gives instructions about how to perform the work and shows how to do it; controls performance and emphasizes discipline.
32. My immediate superior stimulates the team and facilitates cohesion; listens and communicates actively with the members of the team; promotes personal development; seeks consensus and takes into consideration the needs of subordinates.
33. My immediate superior shows me the safe way to do the task when I carry out an unsafe behaviour.
34. When I carry out an unsafe behaviour my immediate superior analyses the unsafe behaviour in the specific context where it occurred, taking into account the work goal to be achieved.

35. When I carry out an unsafe behaviour my immediate superior tells me off and warns about a possible sanction
36. When I carry out an unsafe behaviour my immediate superior discusses with me about what is the most adequate solution to avoid the situation happening again


37. My department cares about their workers’ satisfaction with working in teams, for example: interpersonal relationships, co-operation and participation between workmates and managers.
38. My department cares about their workers’ satisfaction with job characteristics, for example: level of autonomy, task variety and creativity.
39. My department cares about their workers’ satisfaction with performance criteria, for example: clarity of job tasks, work rules and procedures.
40. My department cares about their workers’ satisfaction with work goals, for example: the goals are well-defined, they are specific, achievable and realistic.
41. To what extent are you satisfied with the work goals, for example: the goals are well-defined, they are specific, achievable and realistic?
42. To what extent are you satisfied with the job characteristics, for example: with the level of autonomy, the task variety and the creativity?
43. To what extent are you satisfied with your work team, for example: with the interpersonal relationships, the co-operation and the participation between workmates and managers?
44. To what extent are you satisfied with the performance criteria, for example: with the clarity of the job tasks, work rules and procedures?


45. In your company, to what extent have you received human resources development courses such as: leadership and working in groups; quality of working life; interpersonal communication, etc.?
46. In your company, to what extent have you received courses on innovation and change such as: creativity,; group problem-solving; development and management; information-finding strategies, etc.?
47. In your company, to what extent have you received technical and professional training courses such as: use of tools and equipment; safety rules, norms and procedures; work legislation, etc.?
48. In your company, to what extent have you received goal setting and goal-achievement training such as: cost-risk optimization; task and procedure planning; time management; etc.?

If you would like to give us your comments and opinion about this questionnaire, we appreciate your contributions.
Thank you.
