Index of Sexual Harassment



The Index of Sexual Harassment (ISH) is a short-form scale designed to measure sexual harassment.


This ISH contains 19 category partition (Likert-type) items, each of which represents behavior that is illegal. Each item is scored on a relative frequency scale as shown in the scor- ing key of the instrument. Obtained scores range from 0 to 100, where higher scores indicate greater degrees of sexual harassment. The ISH can be used with all English-speaking populations aged 12 or older.

Response Mode and Timing

The ISH is a self-report scale that is normally completed in 5–7 minutes.


The total score for the ISH scale is computed as = (ΣXi N)(100)/[(K–1)N] where X is an item response, is item, K is the number of response categories, and is the number of properly completed items. Total scores remain valid in the face of missing values (omitted items) provided the respondent completes at least 80% of the items. The effect of the scoring formula is to replace missing values with the mean item response value so that scores range from 0 to 100 regardless of the value of N.


Cronbach’s alpha = .90 and SEM = 2.97. Test-retest reli- ability is not available.


Known groups validity is not available for the ISH scale. Detailed information about content, factorial, and construct validity are reported in Hudson and Decker (1994) which is available from the publisher.

Other Information

The proper use of the WALMYR assessment scales is easily mastered, and the scales can be readily understood by qualified professional practitioners. These measurement tools are not intended for use by untrained individuals. The scales are simple, powerful devices that, when used by trained professionals, are capable of revealing both minor and serious problems that individuals might have in many areas of personal and social functioning. They are not intended for use by persons who are not trained to deal with such problems and should be used only by competent professionals, researchers, scholars and those who are engaged in supervised study and training.

Index of Sexual Harassment


Name:                                                  Today’s Date:                                                        

This questionnaire is designed to measure the level of sexual harassment in the workplace. It is not a test, so there are no right or wrong answers. Answer each item as carefully and as accurately as you can by placing a number beside each one as follows.

1 = None of the time 2 = Very rarely

3 = A little of the time 4 = Some of the time

5 = A good part of the time 6 = Most of the time

7 = All of the time

  1.         My peer or supervisor tells sexually explicit jokes at work.

  2.         My peer or supervisor describes me or a coworker using sexually explicit terminology.

  3.         My peer or supervisor creates offensive rumors concerning the appearance or sexual behavior of me or a coworker.

  4.         My peer or supervisor uses subtle questioning to determine my or my coworker’s sexual behavior or availability.

  5.         My peer or supervisor repeatedly asks me or a coworker for a date.

  6.         My peer or supervisor asks me or a coworker for sexual favors.

  7.         My peer or supervisor places obscene phone calls to me or a coworker.

  8.         My peer or supervisor offers me or a coworker compensation or work benefits in exchange for sexual favors.

  9.         My peer or supervisor demands sexual favors from me or a coworker to maintain job security.

  10.         My peer or supervisor displays sexually explicit photographs and pictures at work.

  11.         My peer or supervisor produces sexually explicit graffiti for display at work.

  12.         My peer or supervisor shows pornographic videotapes at work.

  13.         My peer or supervisor sends sexually explicit letters, cards or other written material to me or a coworker.

  14.         My peer or supervisor uses gestures or starting considered sexually offensive by me or a coworker.

  15.         My peer or supervisor stalks me or a coworker to pressure a personal relationship.

  16.         My peer or supervisor blocks my or a coworker’s pathway to force physical contact.

  17.         My peer or supervisor touches self sexually in the presence of me or a coworker.

  18.         My peer or supervisor touches me or a coworker in a sexually offensive manner.

  19.         My peer or supervisor initiates unwelcome sexual activity with me or a coworker.

    Copyright © 1993, Adrienne L. Decker IIlegal to Photocopy or Otherwise Reproduce.

Address correspondence to WALMYR Publishing Co., P.O. Box 12217, Tallahassee, FL 32317-2217; e-mail: [email protected]



Hudson, W. W., & Decker, A. L. (1994). The Index of Sexual Harassment: A partial validation. The WALMYR Monograph Series. Tempe, AZ: WALMYR Publishing Co.
