Heightened Vigilance Scale

Heightened Vigilance Scale
From DAS and YES Study
Chronic Work Discrimination and Harassment (YES Study)
Heightened Vigilance Scale
1.    Think in advance about the kinds of problems you are likely to experience?
2.    Try to prepare for possible insults before leaving home?
3.    Feel that you always have to be very careful about your appearance to get good service or avoid being harassed?
4.    Carefully watch what you say and how you say it?
5.    Carefully observe what happens around you?
6.    Try to avoid certain social situations and places?
Response categories: 1= Very often‚ 2= Fairly often‚ 3= Not too often‚ 4= Hardly ever‚ 5= Never
Heightened Vigilance Scale (Abbreviated) (4 items‚ alpha = .72)
Developed for the Chicago Community Adult Health Study
In your day-to-day life‚ how often do you do the following things:
1.    You try to prepare for possible insults from other people before leaving home.
2.    Feel that you always have to be very careful about your appearance (to get good service or avoid being harassed).
3.    Carefully watch what you say and how you say it.
4.    Try to avoid certain social situations and places.
Response categories: 1= Almost every day‚ 2= At least once a week‚ 3= A few times a month‚ 4= A few times a year‚ 5= Less than once a year‚ 6= Never