General Mattering Scale

Rosenberg Mattering Scale (RMS)
Rosenberg & McCullough‚ 1981
1.    How important are you to others?
2.    How much do other people pay attention to you?
3.    How much would you be missed if you went away?
4.    How interested are others in what you have to say?
5.    How much do other people depend upon you?
1.    How important do you feel you are to other people?
2.    How much do you feel other people pay attention to you?
3.    How much do you feel others would miss you if you went away?
4.    How interested are people generally in what you have to say?
5.    How much do other people depend on you?
Not at all‚ A little‚ Somewhat‚ A lot

Rosenberg‚ M. (1979). Conceiving the self. New York: Basic Books.Rosenberg‚ M.‚ &  McCullough‚ B.C. (1981). Mattering: inferred significance and mental health. Research in Community and Mental Health‚ 2‚ 163-182.

Rosenberg‚ M. (1989). Society and the adolescent self-image (rev. ed.). Middletown‚ CT: Wesleyan University Press.

Rosenberg‚ M.‚ & McCullough‚ B. C. (1981). Mattering: Inferred significance and mental health. Research in Community and Mental Health‚ 2‚ 163 – 182.

Taylor‚ R.‚ & Turner‚ J. (2001). A longitudinal study of the role and significance of mattering to others for depressive symptoms. Journal of Health and Social Behavior‚ 42(3)‚ 310–325.
