Functional Social Support Questionnaire

Functional SocialSupport Questionnaire
The Duke-University of North Carolina (UNC) Functional Social Support Questionnaire
Broadhead‚ et al. 1988
I get . . .
1. people who care what happens to me
2. love and affection
3. chances to talk to someone about problems at work or with my housework
4. chances to talk to someone I trust about my personal and family problems
5. chances to talk about money matters
6. invitations to go out and do things with other people
7. useful advice about important things in life
8. help when I’m sick in bed
As much as I would like ____________________ Much less than I would like

Broadhead‚ W.E.‚ Gehlbach‚ S.H.‚ de Gruy‚ F.V.‚ Kaplan‚ B. H. (1988). The Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire: measurement of social support in family medicine patients. Medical Care‚ 26(7) :709–723.

Broadhead‚ W.E.‚ Gehlbach‚ S.H.‚ de Gruy‚ F.V..‚ Kaplan‚ B. H. (1989). Functional versus structural social support and health care utilization in a family medicine outpatient practice. Medical Care‚ 27(2):221–233.

McDowell‚ Ian. (2006). Measuring Health: A Guide to Rating Scales and Questionnaires‚ Third Edition. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
