Social Support Questionnaire

Social Support Questionnaire
Sarason‚ Levine‚ Basham‚ & Sarason‚ 1983
1.    Whom can you really count on to listen to you when you need to talk?
2.    Whom could you really count on to help you if a person whom you thought was a good friend insulted you and told you that he/she didn’t want to see you again?
3.    Whose Lives do you feel that you are an important part of?
4.    Whom do you feel would help you if you were married and had just separated from your spouse?
5.    Whom could you really count on to help you out in a crisis situation‚ even though they would have to go out of their way to do so?
6.    Whom can you talk with frankly‚ without ha‎ving to watch what you say?
7.    Who helps you feel that you truly have something positive to contribute to others?
8.    Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress?
9.    Whom can you really count on to be dependable when you need help?
10.Whom could you really count on to help you out if you had just been fired from your job or expelled from school?
11.With whom can you totally be yourself?
12.Whom do you feel really appreciates you as a person?
13.Whom can you really count on to give you useful suggestions that help you to avoid making mistakes?
14.Whom can you count on to listen openly and uncritically to your innermost feelings?
15.Who will comfort you when you need it by holding you in their arms?
16.Whom do you feel would help if a good friend of yours had been in a car accident and was hospitalized in serious condition?
17.Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tense?
18.Whom do you feel would help if a family member very close to you died?
19.Who accepts you totally‚ including both your worse and your best points?
20.Whom can you really count on to care about you‚ regardless of what is happening to you?
21.Whom can you really count on to listen to you when you are very angry at someone else?
22.Whom can you really count on to tell you‚ in a thoughtful manner‚ when you need to improve in some way?
23.Whom can you really count on to help you feel better when you are feeling generally down-in-the-dumps?
24.Whom do you feel truly loves you deeply?
25.Whom can you count on to console you when you are very upset?
26.Whom can you really count on to support you in major decisions you make?
27.Whom can you really count on to help you feel better when you are very irritable‚ ready to get angry at almost anything?
Social Support Questionnaire- shortened version (SSQ6)
1.    Whom can you really count on to be dependable when you need help?
2.    Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tense?
3.    Who accepts you totally‚ including your worst and your best points?
4.    Whom can you really count on to care about you‚ regardless of what is happening to you?
5.    Whom can you really count on to help you feel better when you are feeling generally down-in the dumps?
6.    Whom can you count on to console you when you are very upset?
Part 1 asks participants to list all the people that fit the description of the question‚ and Part 2 asks participants to indicate how satisfied they are‚ in general‚ with these people.
How Satisfied?
6- Very Satisfied‚ 5- Fairly Satisfied‚ 4- A Little Satisfied‚ 3- A Little Dissatisfied‚ 2- Fairly Dissatisfied‚ 1-Very Dissatisfied

Sarason‚ I. G.‚ Levine‚ H. M.‚ Basham‚ R. B.‚ & Sarason‚ B. R. (1983). Assessing Social Support: The Social Support Questionnaire. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology‚ 44(1)‚ 127-139.

Sarason‚ I. G.‚ Sarason‚ B. R.‚ Shearin‚ E. N.‚ Pierce‚ G. R. (1987). A brief measure of social support: Practical and theoretical implications. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships‚ 4‚ 497-510.

Pierce‚ G. R.‚ Sarason‚ I. G.‚ & Sarason‚ B. R. (1991). General and relationship-based perceptions of social support: are two constructs better than one? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology‚ 61‚ 1028-1039.
