Child Dental Control Assessment (CDCA)

Wienstein et al‚ 1996
1a. At the last visit the dentist told me everything would be okay.
1b. Next time I want the dentist to tell me everything will be okay.
2a. At the last visit the dentist asked me how I felt.
2b. Next time I want the dentist to ask me how I feel
3a. At the fast visit I asked the dentist questions.
3b. At the last visit the dentist did not answer my questions.
3c. Next time I want the dentist to answer my questions.
4a. At the fast visit the dentist let me have a rest.
4b. Next time I want to have a rest.
5a. At the last visit I asked the dentist to stop.
5b. At the last Visit the dentist didn’t stop when I asked.
5c. Next time I want the dentist to stop when I ask.
6a. At the last visit someone in my family was in the room        with me.
6b. Next time I want someone in my family in the room with me.
7a. At the last visit‚ they asked me to breathe some special stuff.
7b. Next time I want them to ask me to breathe the special stuff.
8a. At the fast Visit I was very sleepy.
8b. Next time I want to be sleepy again.
9a. At the last visit they let me watch what was going on.
9b. Next time I want them to let me watch what is going on.
10a. At the last visit they told me how long things would last.
10b. Next time I want them to tell me how long things will last.
11a. At the last visit the dentist told me what was going to happen.
11b. Next time I want the dentist to tell me what will happen.
12a. At the last Visit I tried not to think about what the dentist was doing.
12b. Next time I do not want to think about what the dentist is doing.
13a. At the last visit someone told me a story.
13b. Next time I want someone to tell me a story.
14a. At the last visit the dentist told me I was doing a good Job.
14b. Next time I want the dentist to tell me I am doing a good Job.
15a. At the last visit I tried to think about something else while the dentist worked
15b. Next time I want to think about something else while the dentist works
16a. At the last visit the dentist asked me to hold the suction.
16b. Next time I want to hold the suction.
17a. At the last visit I tried to keep myself from getting scared.
17b. Next time I Will try to keep myself from getting scared.
18a. At the last visit I tried hard to keep myself calm.
18b. Next time I Will try hard to keep myself calm.
19a. At the last visit I listened to music.
19b. Next time I want to listen to music.
20a. At the last visit I felt so sick I wanted to leave.
20b. Next time I’ll want to leave if I feel sick.
Coolidge et al‚ 2005
1.    I want the dentist to tell me everything will be okay.
2.    I want the dentist to ask me how I feel.
3.    I want the dentist to answer my questions.
4.    I want to have a rest.
5.    I want the dentist to stop when I ask.
6.    I want someone in my family in the room with me.
7.    I want them to ask me to breathe the special stuff.
8.    I want to be sleepy again.
9.    I want them to let me watch what is going on
10.I want them to tell me how long things will last.
11.I want the dentist to tell me what will happen.
12.I do not want to think about what the dentist is doing.
13.I want someone to tell me a story.
14.I want the dentist to tell me I am doing a good job.
15.I want to think about something else while the dentist works.
16.I want to hold the suction.
17.I will try to keep myself from getting scared.
18.I will try hard to keep myself calm.
19.I want to listen to music.
20.I’ll want to leave if I feel sick.
Dentist-Mediated Control‚ Active Coping‚ Cognitive Withdrawal‚ Reassurance‚ and Physical Escape
Dentist-Mediated Control (0.68)‚ Active Coping (0.7)‚ Cognitive Withdrawal (0.6)‚ Reassurance (0.55)‚ and Physical Escape (0.52)
False‚ Sometimes‚ True
Dentist-Mediated Control (3-6)‚ Active Coping (16-18)‚ Cognitive Withdrawal (8‚ 13‚ and 15)‚ Reassurance (1 and 13)‚ and Physical Escape (7‚ 9‚ and 10)
This instrument can be found at: & Fischer‚ Joel.‚ Corcoran‚ Kevin J. (2007). Measures for Clinical Practice and research: A sourcebook. (4th ed.). NY. Oxford University Pr. Vol. 1‚ Page (s): 443-443.

Weinstein‚ P.‚ Milgrom‚ P.‚ Hoskuldsson‚ O.‚ Golletz‚ D.‚ Jeffcott‚ E.‚ Koday‚ M. (1996). Situation-specific child control: a visit to the dentist. Behaviour Research and Therapy‚ 34(1)‚ 11-21.

Coolidge‚ T.‚ Heima‚ M.‚ Heaton‚ L.J.‚ et al. (2005). The Child Dental Control Assessment (CDCA) in youth: reliability‚ validity and cross-cultural differences. Eur J Paediatr Dent‚ 6(1)‚ 35-43.

Coolidge‚ T.‚ Heima‚ M.‚ Coldwell‚ S.E.‚ Weinstein‚ P.‚ Logan‚ H.L.‚ Milgrom‚ P. (2005).Reliability and validity of the Revised Iowa Dental Control Index in a non-clinical sample. Pers Individ Dif‚38‚ 773-83.

Wienstein‚ Milgrom‚ Hoskuldssen et. (1996). Child Dental Control Assessment (CDCA). In Fischer‚ Joel.‚ Corcoran‚ Kevin J. (2007 ). Measures for Clinical Practice and research: A sourcebook. (4th ed.). NY. Oxford University Pr. Vol. 1‚ Page (s): 443-446.
