an average functioning, quickly secreted barbiturate that was previously prescribed as a relaxant and hypnotic, similar to other barbiturates, its poisoning has contributed to its scientific overshadowing by less dangerous substances, such as the benzodiazepines. Amobarbital misuse could well result in dependency, grogginess, and loss of life. Amobarbital was sometimes put to use to undertake interviews structured to generate information from individuals’ subconscious, as well as data that was knowingly retained. These kind of interviews were also preferred in trying to differentiate between individuals who were skulking and those who had a genuine conversion disorder. As a result of several lawful and moral problems concerning interviews, on top of the healthcare concerns corresponding with dispersion of barbiturates, these methods are not admissible in modern-day medical practice. American. brand name: Amytal.

AMOBARBITAL: “When the board members heard of the doctor’s use of amobarbital on the patient to elicit information from her past, he was immediately suspended pending investigation.”
