What is a simple formula for “If Contains” in Google sheets?

A simple formula for “If Contains” in Google Sheets is “=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(text, cell)),”Yes”,”No”)” which checks if the text appears in the cell and returns “Yes” if it does and “No” if it does not.

You can use the following formula in Google Sheets to determine if a cell contains a certain string:

=IF(REGEXMATCH(B1, "this"), 1, 0)

In this example, if cell B1 contains the string “this” then it will return a 1, otherwise it will return a 0.

The following examples show how to use this formula in practice.


Example 1: Use “If Contains” For One String

The following formula shows how to create a new column that returns a 1 if the team name is equal to Lakers and a 0 if the team name is not equal to Lakers:

Note that you can also return string values such as “Yes” or “No” instead of numeric values:

Example 2: Use “If Contains” For One of Several Strings

The following formula shows how to create a new column that returns a 1 if the team name is equal to Lakers or Mavericks and a 0 if the team name is something else:
