How Can the “Not Equal” Operator be Used in Measures in Power BI?

The “Not Equal” operator can be used in measures in Power BI to compare two values and return a Boolean result of “true” or “false.” This allows for the creation of measures that check for inequalities between data points, such as sales revenue not equal to a certain target or customer satisfaction ratings not equal to a specific threshold. It is a useful tool for identifying and analyzing data that does not meet certain criteria, providing insight into areas that may require further attention or improvement. By utilizing the “Not Equal” operator in measures, users can easily filter and visualize data based on specific inequalities, enhancing their data analysis capabilities.

You can use <> as the “not equal” operator in DAX.

There are two common ways to use this operator in practice:

 Method 1: Use <> to Create New Column

Team Classification =
IF('my_data'[Team] <> "B", "Not on Team B", "On Team B")

Method 2: Use <> to Create New Table

filtered_data =
CALCULATETABLE('my_data', 'my_data'[Team] <> "B")

The following examples show how to use each of these methods in practice with the following table named my_data in Power BI that contains information about various basketball players:

Example 1: Use <> to Create New Column

Suppose we would like to create a new column that contains one of the following strings:

  • “Not on Team B” if the value in the Team column is not equal to “B”
  • “On Team B” if the value in the Team column is equal to “B”

To do so, click the Table tools tab and then click the New column icon:

Then type the following formula into the formula bar:

Team Classification =
IF('my_data'[Team] <> "B", "Not on Team B", "On Team B")

This will create a new column named Team Classification that returns one of the two strings that we specified:

Example 2: Use <> to Create New Table

Suppose we would like to create a new table that only contains the rows from the my_data table where the value in the Team column is not equal to B.

To do so, click the Table tools tab and then click the New table icon:

Then type the following formula into the formula bar:

filtered_data =
CALCULATETABLE('my_data', 'my_data'[Team] <> "B")

This will create a new table named filtered table that only contains the rows from the my_data table where the value in the Team column is not equal to B:

Note: You can find a complete list of operators you can use in DAX .

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in Power BI:
