How to Use Multiple IF Statements in Google Sheets

Using multiple IF statements in Google Sheets is a useful function that allows you to make decisions based on a set of criteria. By nesting one IF statement inside another, you can create complex logic and evaluate multiple conditions at once. This can be extremely helpful in organizing and manipulating data in spreadsheets. To use multiple IF statements in Google Sheets, first enter the IF formula into a cell. Then, use an additional IF statement inside the original one to evaluate a second set of criteria. Repeat this process for each additional criteria you need to evaluate.

You can use the following basic syntax to write multiple IF statements in one cell in Google Sheets:

=IF(A2<10, "Bad", IF(A2<20, "Okay", IF(A2<30, "Good", "Great")))

Here’s what this syntax does:

  • If the value in cell A2 is less than 10, return the value “Bad”
  • Otherwise, if the value in cell A2 is less than 20, return the value “Okay”
  • Otherwise, if the value in cell A2 is less than 30, return the value “Good”
  • Otherwise, return the value “Great”

The following examples show how to use this syntax in practice.

Example 1: Use Multiple IF Statements in Google Sheets

Suppose we have the following column in Google Sheets that shows the points scored by various basketball players:

We can use the following syntax to write multiple IF statements to classify the players as “Bad”, “Okay”, “Good”, or “Great”:

=IF(A2<10, "Bad", IF(A2<20, "Okay", IF(A2<30, "Good", "Great")))

The following screenshot shows how to use this syntax in practice:

Multiple IF statements in Google Sheets

Each player receives a classification based on their number of points scored.

Example 2: Use IFS Function in Google Sheets

An easier way to write multiple IF statements is to simply use the IFS function.

We can use the following syntax to write an IFS statement to classify the players as “Bad”, “Okay”, “Good”, or “Great”:

=IFS(A2<10, "Bad", A2<20, "Okay", A2<30, "Good", A2>=30, "Great")

This produces the same results as the previous example.

Notice that this syntax is much easier to write because we don’t have to write several nested IF statements.
