How can I keep certain columns in PySpark, and what are some examples of this process?

Keeping certain columns in PySpark refers to the process of selecting and retaining specific columns from a PySpark dataframe while discarding the rest. This can be useful when working with large datasets and only needing certain columns for analysis or further processing.

One way to keep certain columns in PySpark is by using the “select” function, which allows you to specify the columns to keep. For example, if we have a dataframe named “df” with columns “id”, “name”, “age”, and “salary”, we can use the following code to keep only the “id” and “name” columns:“id”, “name”)

Another way to keep columns in PySpark is by using the “drop” function, which allows you to specify the columns to drop while keeping the rest. For example, if we want to keep all columns except “salary”, we can use the following code:


In summary, keeping certain columns in PySpark involves selecting or dropping specific columns from a dataframe. This process can help streamline data analysis and processing by reducing the amount of unnecessary data.

Keep Certain Columns in PySpark (With Examples)

You can use the following methods to only keep certain columns in a PySpark DataFrame:

Method 1: Specify Columns to Keep

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

#only keep columns 'col1' and 'col2''col1'), col('col2')).show()

Method 2: Specify Columns to Drop

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

#drop columns 'col3' and 'col4'df.drop(col('col3'), col('col4')).show()

The following examples show how to use each method with the following PySpark DataFrame:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

#define data
data = [['A', 'East', 11, 4], 
        ['A', 'East', 8, 9], 
        ['A', 'East', 10, 3], 
        ['B', 'West', 6, 12], 
        ['B', 'West', 6, 4], 
        ['C', 'East', 5, 2]] 
#define column names
columns = ['team', 'conference', 'points', 'assists'] 
#create dataframe using data and column names
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns) 
#view dataframe

|   A|      East|    11|      4|
|   A|      East|     8|      9|
|   A|      East|    10|      3|
|   B|      West|     6|     12|
|   B|      West|     6|      4|
|   C|      East|     5|      2|

Example 1: Specify Columns to Keep

The following code shows how to define a new DataFrame that only keeps the team and points columns:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

#create new DataFrame and only keep 'team' and 'points' columns'team'), col('points')).show()

|   A|    11|
|   A|     8|
|   A|    10|
|   B|     6|
|   B|     6|
|   C|     5|

Notice that the resulting DataFrame only keeps the two columns that we specified.

Example 2: Specify Columns to Drop

The following code shows how to define a new DataFrame that drops the conference and assists columns from the original DataFrame:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

#create new DataFrame that drops 'conference' and 'assists' columns
df.drop(col('conference'), col('assists')).show()

|   A|    11|
|   A|     8|
|   A|    10|
|   B|     6|
|   B|     6|
|   C|     5|

Notice that the resulting DataFrame drops the conference and assists columns from the original DataFrame and keeps the remaining columns.

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in PySpark:
