Google Sheets Query: How to Use the SUM Function

The Google Sheets Query function SUM is used to calculate the total of a set of values. It can be used to total up numeric values from a range of cells, such as the sum of a range of cells or the sum of a specific column or row. You can also use it to calculate the sum of a range of cells that contain a particular text value or a particular type of data. The SUM function is easy to use and can help you quickly add up a large amount of data.

You can use the SUM() function in a Google Sheets query to find the sum of values in rows that meet certain conditions.

Method 1: Sum All Rows

=QUERY(A1:C13, "select sum(C)")

Method 2: Sum Rows that Meet One Criteria

=QUERY(A1:C13, "select sum(C) where B>100")

Method 3: Sum Rows that Meet Multiple Criteria

=QUERY(A1:C13, "select sum(C) where A='Mavs' OR B>100")

=QUERY(A1:C13, "select sum(C) where A='Mavs' AND B>100")

The following examples show how to use each of these methods in practice.

Method 1: Sum All Rows

We can use the following formula to sum the total points scored by all teams:

We can see that the teams scored a total of 1,141 points.

Example 2: Sum Rows that Meet One Criteria

We can use the following formula to sum the total points scored by teams who had less than 30 rebounds:

The total points scored by teams who had less than 30 rebounds was 679.

Example 3: Sum Rows that Meet Multiple Criteria

The sum of the rebounds among teams that meet either of these criteria is 84.

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common operations with Google Sheets queries:

Google Sheets Query: How to Use Group By

Google Sheets Query: How to Use the COUNT Function
