# Calculate DFFITS in R

DFFITS is a measure used in linear regression to identify influential data points based on how much the regression coefficients change when that data point is removed. It can be calculated in R using the dffits function in the car package. It takes the fitted model as an argument and returns a vector of DFFITS values for each observation. It can help identify influential data points so that further analysis can be done to determine if those points should be removed from the data set.

In statistics, we often want to know how influential different are in regression models.

One way to calculate the influence of observations is by using a metric known as DFFITS, which stands for “difference in fits.”

This metric tells us how much the predictions made by a regression model change when we leave out an individual observation.

This tutorial shows a step-by-step example of how to calculate and visualize DFFITS for each observation in a model in R.

Step 1: Build a Regression Model

First, we’ll build a using the built-in mtcars dataset in R:

#load the dataset

#fit a regression model
model <- lm(mpg~disp+hp, data=mtcars)

#view model summary

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 30.735904   1.331566  23.083  < 2e-16 ***
disp        -0.030346   0.007405  -4.098 0.000306 ***
hp          -0.024840   0.013385  -1.856 0.073679 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 3.127 on 29 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.7482,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.7309 
F-statistic: 43.09 on 2 and 29 DF,  p-value: 2.062e-09

Step 2: Calculate DFFITS for each Observation

Next, we’ll use the built-in dffits() function to calculate the DFFITS value for each observation in the model:

#calculate DFFITS for each observation in the model
dffits <- as.data.frame(dffits(model))

#display DFFITS for each observation

Mazda RX4             -0.14633456
Mazda RX4 Wag         -0.14633456
Datsun 710            -0.19956440
Hornet 4 Drive         0.11540062
Hornet Sportabout      0.32140303
Valiant               -0.26586716
Duster 360             0.06282342
Merc 240D             -0.03521572
Merc 230              -0.09780612
Merc 280              -0.22680622
Merc 280C             -0.32763355
Merc 450SE            -0.09682952
Merc 450SL            -0.03841129
Merc 450SLC           -0.17618948
Cadillac Fleetwood    -0.15860270
Lincoln Continental   -0.15567627
Chrysler Imperial      0.39098449
Fiat 128               0.60265798
Honda Civic            0.35544919
Toyota Corolla         0.78230167
Toyota Corona         -0.25804885
Dodge Challenger      -0.16674639
AMC Javelin           -0.20965432
Camaro Z28            -0.08062828
Pontiac Firebird       0.67858692
Fiat X1-9              0.05951528
Porsche 914-2          0.09453310
Lotus Europa           0.55650363
Ford Pantera L         0.31169050
Ferrari Dino          -0.29539098
Maserati Bora          0.76464932
Volvo 142E            -0.24266054

Typically we take a closer look at observations that have DFFITS values greater than a threshold of  2√p/n where:

  • p: Number of predictor variables used in the model
  • n: Number of observations used in the model

In this example, the threshold would be 0.5:

#find number of predictors in model
p <- length(model$coefficients)-1

#find number of observations
n <- nrow(mtcars)

#calculate DFFITS threshold value
thresh <- 2*sqrt(p/n)


[1] 0.5

We can sort the observations based on their DFFITS values to see if any of them exceed the threshold:

#sort observations by DFFITS, descending
dffits[order(-dffits['dffits(model)']), ]

 [1]  0.78230167  0.76464932  0.67858692  0.60265798  0.55650363  0.39098449
 [7]  0.35544919  0.32140303  0.31169050  0.11540062  0.09453310  0.06282342
[13]  0.05951528 -0.03521572 -0.03841129 -0.08062828 -0.09682952 -0.09780612
[19] -0.14633456 -0.14633456 -0.15567627 -0.15860270 -0.16674639 -0.17618948
[25] -0.19956440 -0.20965432 -0.22680622 -0.24266054 -0.25804885 -0.26586716
[31] -0.29539098 -0.32763355

We can see that the first five observations have a DFFITS value greater than 0.5, which means we may want to investigate these observations closer to determine if they’re highly influential in the model.

Step 3: Visualize the DFFITS for each Observation

Lastly, we can create a quick plot to visualize the DFFITS for each observation:

#plot DFFITS values for each observation
plot(dffits(model), type = 'h')

#add horizontal lines at absolute values for threshold
abline(h = thresh, lty = 2)
abline(h = -thresh, lty = 2)


The x-axis displays the index of each observation in the dataset and the y-value displays the corresponding DFFITS value for each observation.
