Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility
Nedwek‚ 1987
Additional items developed by Flewelling‚Paschall & Ringwalt‚1993
1. It is hard to get ahead without breaking the law now and then.
2. If I want to risk getting into trouble‚ that is my business and nobody else’s.
3. I don’t owe the world anything.
4. What I do with my life won’t make much difference one way or another.
5. I really care about how my actions might affect others.

6. I have a responsibility to make the world a better place.

 (Items 2-6 were added by Flewelling‚ et al.‚ 1993.)
These items measure civic responsibility and awareness.
·         School and Academics
·         Personal Attitudes and Beliefs
This instrument can be found on page 130 of Measuring Violence-Related Attitudes‚ Behaviors‚ and Influences Among Youths: A Compendium of Assessment Tools‚ available online at:
Point values are assigned as follows:
Strongly agree = 1
Agree = 2
Disagree = 3
Strongly disagree = 4
Items 5 and 6 are reverse coded. Point values are summed for each respondent and divided by the number of items. The intended range of scores is 1-4‚ with a higher score indicating a greater sense of social responsibility.

Nedwek BP. Political socialization and policy evaluation: the case of youth employment andtraining program. Evaluation and Program Planning1987;10:35-42.

Flewelling RL‚ Paschall MJ‚ Ringwalt CL. SAGE Baseline Survey. Research Triangle Park‚ NC:Research Triangle Institute‚ 1993. (Unpublished)
