Risks and Consequences Questionnaire (RCQ)


The Risks and Consequences Questionnaire (RCQ is an index of problems that can be consequent of alcohol and marijuana use in adolescent delinquents. The RCQ has been validated with a racially and ethnically diverse sample of youths (Stein et al., 2010). The RCQ may complement structured interviews for collecting information about the psychological repercussions associated with alcohol and marijuana use. This measure may help researchers and clinicians in making substance abuse diagnoses for incarcerated juvenile delinquents, and may well be used also as an intervention outcome measure


Psychometric characteristics of the RCQ are reported in Stein et al. (2010).

Author of Tool:

Stein, L.A.R., Lebeau, Rebecca, Clair, Mary, Rossi, Joseph S., Martin, Rose Marie, & Golembeske, Charles

Key references:

Stein, L. A. R., Lebeau, R., Clair, M., Rossi, J., Martin, R. & Golembeske, C. (2010). Validation of a measure to assess alcohol- and marijuana-related risks and consequences among incarcerated adolescents. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 109(1-3), 104-113. PMCID: PMC2875287

Primary use / Purpose:

The Risks and Consequences Questionnaire (RCQ) was designed to measure the frequency of risky behaviour including sexual behavior, driving, injuries, fighting, school/work problems, family/peer issues, being a victim of crime, and suicide, in incarcerated youths. Adolescents are asked the number of times each occurred, number of things each occurred in situations involving alcohol, marijuana or another drug.

Risks and Consequences Questionnaire (RCQ)

  • Subj. No.                              
  • Date __________

In the last 12 months before this most recent incarceration, have you been involved in any of the following?  INTERVIEWER:  “Number of times alcohol or drugs were involved,” means teen was on alcohol or drugs at the time or was doing the activity in order to get alcohol or drugs to take.  In addition, it can refer to missing certain activities (e.g., school), because of aftereffects such as being ill.

  • No. of times Happened        
  • No. of times happened with alcohol involved                       
  • No. of times happened with marijuana involved                            
  1. Been injured when in a fight with someone.
  2. Been cut. Been injured by falling.
  1. Been injured when playing sports or doing a recreational activity (biking, rollerblading, etc.).
  1. Been injured by a gun.
  1. Nearly drowned.
  1. Been burned by fire, chemicals, or hot liquid.
  1. Been hit by a vehicle when walking.
  1. Had intercourse with some one you did not know very well.
  1. Had sexual intercourse with someone you knew.
  1. Had sex without a condom or with an IV drug user.
  1. Speeding, taking chances, or having accidents when driving.
  1. Willingly rode in a car with someone who was driving dangerously.
  2. Had an argument with family.
  3. Had an argument with a friend.
  4. Had an argument with some one you were dating.
  5. Relationship ended.
  6. Missed time from school(missed school, late, skipped class)
  7. Got in trouble at school that led to detention or suspension.
  8. Got bad grades.
  9. Missed time from work (missed work altogether, late).
  10. Got in trouble at work.
  11. Was a victim of crime (attacked, hurt personally, something stolen, etc.).
  12. Seriously considered suicide.
  13. In the last 12 months before this most recent incarceration, how many times have you driven within an hour after having:

                1-2 drinks:             ________times

                3 or more drinks   ________times

                using marijuana  ________times

  1. In the last 12 months before this most recent incarceration, how

       many times, have you ridden with a driver who had been:

                drinking:                                ________times

                using marijuana:                 ________times
