Perfectionism Cognitions Inventory (PCI)

Perfectionism Cognitions Inventory (PCI)
Flett et al.‚ 1998‚ 2012
1.    Why can’t I be perfect?
2.    I need to do better
3.    I should be perfect
4.    I should never make the same mistake twice
5.    I’ve got to keep working on my goals
6.    I have to be the best
7.    I should be doing more
8.    I can’t stand to make mistakes
9.    I have to work hard all the time
10.No matter how much I do‚ it’s never enough
11.People expect me to be perfect
12.I must be efficient at all times
13.My goals are very high
14.I can always do better‚ even if things are almost perfect
15.I expect to be perfect
16.Why can’t things be perfect?
17.My work has to be superior
18.It would be great if everything in my life were perfect
19.My work should be flawless
20.Things are seldom ideal
21.How well am I doing?
22.I can’t do this perfectly
23.I certainly have high standards
24.Maybe I should lower my goals
25.I am too much of a perfectionist
not at all‚ sometimes‚ moderately often‚ often‚ all of the time

Flett‚ G. L.‚ Hewitt‚ P. L.‚ Boucher‚ D. J.‚ Davidson‚ L. A.‚ & Munro‚ Y. (1997). The child-adolescent perfectionism scale: Development‚ validation‚ and association with adjustment. Unpublished manuscript‚ York University‚ Toronto.

Flett‚ G. L.‚ Hewitt‚ P. L.‚ Blankstein‚ K. R.‚ & Gray‚ L. (1998). Psychological distress and the frequency of perfectionistic thinking. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology‚ 75‚ 1363–1381.

Flett‚ Gordon L.‚ Hewitt‚ Paul L.‚ Heisell‚ Marnin J. (2002). Perfectionistic Automatic Thoughts and Psychological Distress. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy‚ Vol. 20‚ 33-47.

Flett‚ G. L.‚ Hewitt‚ P. L.‚ Whelan‚ T.‚ & Martin‚ T. R. (2007). The perfectionism cognitions inventory: Psychometric properties and associations with distress and deficits in cognitive self-management. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy‚ 25‚ 255–277.

Flett‚ Gordon L.‚ Hewitt‚ Paul L.‚ Demerjian‚ Aline. Et al (2012). Perfectionistic Automatic Thoughts and Psychological Distress in Adolescents: An Analysis of the Perfectionism Cognitions Inventory. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy‚ 30: 91-104
