Organizational Commitment scale


This measure, (Organizational Commitment) developed by Cook and Wall (1980), describes an employee’s overall organizational commitment. The measure uses nine items. The items can be grouped to form subscales for organizational identification, organiza­ tional involvement, and organizational loyalty. Each subscale contains three items.


Coefficient alpha values ranged from .71 to .87 (Furnham, Brewin, & O’Kelly, 1994; Oliver, 1990; Sanchez & Brock, 1996).


The identification, involvement, and loyalty subscales correlated positively with work rewards and committed behaviors, which included such actions as reading in-house publications, attending general meetings, voting fre­ quently in internal elections, activism, and job effort. The three subscales all correlated negatively with the range of other employment alternatives (Oliver, 1990). Furnham et al. (1994) found that a personality style that tends to attribute positive events at work to internal causes correlated positively with the combined measure of organizational commitment.


Cook, J., & Wall, T. D. (1980). New work attitude measures of trust, organi­ zational commitment and personal need for non-fulfillment. Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology, 53, 39-52. Items were taken from Appendix A, section 10, p. 51. Copyright © 1980. Reproduced with permission.


Responses are obtained using a 7-point Likert-type scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 7 = strongly agree.

Instructions and items:

In this section we look at what it means to you being a member of your orga­ nization. Some people feel themselves to be just an employee, there to do a lot of work, while others feel more personally involved in the organization they work for. The following items express what people might feel about themselves as members of their organization. Will you please indicate on this scale how much you agree or disagree with each statement in turn?

  1. I am quite proud to be able to tell people who it is that I work for
  2. I sometimes feel like leaving this employment for good (R)
  3. I’m not willing to put myself out just to help the organization (R)
  4. Even if the firm were not doing too well financially, I would be reluctant to change to another employer
  5. I feel myself to be part of the organization
  6. In my work I like to feel I am making some effort, not just for myself, but for the organization as well
  7. The offer of a bit more money with another employer would not seriously make me think of changing my job
  8. I would not recommend a close friend to join our staff (R)
  9. To know that my own work had made a contribution to the good of the organization would please me

Items denoted with (R) are reverse scored.
