Mentoring Function Scales

Tepper, K., et al. (1996). Latent structure of Mentoring Function Scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement 56:848–57.

Comments: The 16-item Mentoring Function Scales (MFS) consists of eight items that assess psychosocial mentoring functions and eight items that assess career-related mentoring functions.

Sample: The results of five samples are reported. Samples 1 and 2 were part of Tepper et al.’s (1993) study. Sample 1 consisted of 117 employees from a financial organization. Sample 2 consisted of 259 employees from banks, insurance, health, manufacturing, and educational organizations. Sample 3 consisted of 82 employees from a company that managed seafood restaurants. Sample 4 consisted of 65 employees from a soft drink manufacturer. Sample 5 consisted of 45 employees from an accounting and finance department.

Factor Structure: An oblique rotation using the total sample of 568 employees confirmed the original two factors: psychosocial mentoring functions (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15); and career-related mentoring functions (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16).

Data Analysis: Skewness and kurtosis for the 16 items are presented as well as the results of the factor analysis.


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Mentoring Function Scales

1. Encouraged you to try new ways of behaving on the job.
2. Assigned responsibilities to you that have increased your contact with people who will judge your potential for future advancement.
3. Discussed your questions or concerns regarding feelings of competence, commitment to advancement, relationships with peers and supervisors or work/family conflicts.
4. Reduced unnecessary risks that could have threatened your opportunities for promotion.
5. Served as a role model.
6. Helped you meet new colleagues.
7. Demonstrated good listening skills in your conversations.
8. Given you assignments or tasks that have prepared you for higher positions.
9. Conveyed feelings of respect for you as an individual.
10. Helped you finish assignments or tasks or meet deadlines that otherwise would have been difficult to complete.
11. Encouraged you to talk openly about anxieties and fears that detract from your work.
12. Encouraged you to prepare for advancement.
13. Shared personal experiences as an alternative perspective to your problems.
14. Given you assignments that present opportunities to learn new skills.
15. Displayed attitudes and values similar to your own.
16. Given you assignments that have increased your contact with higher level managers.

Scoring: 5 = to a very large extent; 4 = to a large extent; 3 = to some extent; 2 = to a slight extent; and 1 = not at all.
