Inter-Role Conflict scale


This measure, (Inter-Role Conflict scale) developed by Thompson and Werner (1997), assesses the extent to which different roles that an employee fills at work and in nonwork settings are in conflict or are supportive. A work/nonwork total score is obtained for each employee by summing the ratings made by the individual for potential conflict/facilitation between their work role and all their other reported roles. A negative total score indicates high levels of perceived con­flict between work and other roles, while a positive score suggests greater overall facilitation.


Internal consistency (coefficient alpha) is not applicable for this scoring method. No test-retest reliability information is available.


Thompson and Werner (1997) found that inter role conflict correlated posi­tively with an independent measure of job and off-job interference.


Thompson, H. B., & Werner, J. M. (1997). The impact of role conflict/ facilitation on core and discretionary behaviors: Testing a mediated model. Journal of Management,  23(4), 583-602.  Items  were  taken  from  text, pp. 588-589. Copyright© 1997. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Science.


A list of 10 roles is given to each individual. These roles are student, employee, spouse, primary care giver, volunteer, home maintainer, friend, religious participant, hobbyist/amateur, and other. No restrictions are given as to the number of roles a person can report about, although subjects are instructed to check only those roles where they are involved at least once a week. Respondents are asked to write the different roles they currently occupy down the left-hand side of a matrix and to replicate that list across the top of the matrix. Participants are then asked to compare each role with each other role and report the degree to which participation in one role facilitated the achievement of success in the comparison role, did not affect the com­ parison role, or participation in that role conflicted with the comparison role. Respondents answer on a scale from -2 to +2. The numerical values reflect the following responses: -2 = participation in one activity had a harmful or conflicting effect on the other, -1 = a somewhat harmful/conflicting effect, 0 = no effect, +1 = a somewhat facilitative or helpful effect, and +2 = a very facilitative or helpful effect.
