Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ)

Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ)
The Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire
Fries‚ 1980
Without ANY Difficulty‚ With SOME Difficulty‚ With MUCH Difficulty‚ UNABLE To Do
Are you able to:
1.    Dress yourself‚ including shoelaces and buttons?
2.    Shampoo your hair?
Are you able to:
3.    Stand up from a straight chair?
4.    Get in and out of bed?
Are you able to:
5.    Cut your meat?
6.    Lift a full cup or glass to your mouth?
7.    Open a new milk carton?
Are you able to:
8.    Walk outdoors on flat ground?
9.    Climb up five steps?
• Please check any AIDS OR DEVICES that you usually use for any of the above activities:
Cane‚ Walker‚ Crutches‚ Wheelchair‚ Devices Used for Dressing (button hook‚ zipper pull‚ etc.)‚ Built Up or Special Utensils‚ Special or Built Up Chair
• Please check any categories for which you usually need HELP FROM ANOTHER PERSON:
Dressing & Grooming‚ Eating‚ Arising‚ Walking
• Please place an ‘x’ ( ) in the box which best describes your usual abilities OVER THE PAST WEEK:
Without ANY Difficulty‚ With SOME Difficulty‚ With MUCH Difficulty‚ UNABLE To Do
Are you able to:
10.Wash and dry your body?
11.Take a tub bath?
12.Get on and off the toilet?
Are you able to:
13.Reach and get down a 5 pound object (such as a bag of sugar) from above your head?
14.Bend down to pick up clothing from the floor?
Are you able to:
15.Open car doors?
16.Open previously opened jars?
17.Turn faucets on and off?
Are you able to:
18.Run errands and shop?
19.Get in and out of a car?
20.Do chores such as vacuuming or yard work?
• Please check any AIDS OR DEVICES that you usually use for any of these activities:
Raised Toilet Seat‚ Bathtub Bar‚ Bathtub Seat‚ Long-Handled Appliances for Reach‚ Jar Opener (for previously opened)‚ jars Long-Handled Appliances in Bathroom
• Please check any categories for which you usually need HELP FROM ANOTHER PERSON:
Hygiene‚ Gripping and Opening Things‚ Reach‚ Errands and Chores
• How much pain have you had because of your arthritis IN THE PAST WEEK?
NO PAIN 0 _________________________________ 100 VERY SEVERE PAIN
• In general‚ how would you rate your current health?
VERY WELL0 _________________________________ 100 VERY POOR
Stanford HAQ 8-Item Disability Scale
Lorig‚ et al. 2001
1.    Dress yourself‚ including tying shoelaces and doing buttons?
2.    Get in and out of bed?       
3.    Lift a full cup or glass to your mouth?      
4.    Walk outdoors on flat ground?      
5.    Wash and dry your entire body?    
6.    Bend down to pick up clothing from the floor?    
7.    Turn faucets/taps on and off?       
8.    Get in and out of a car?
Score the number circled for each item. If more than one consecutive number is circled for one item‚ code the higher number (more difficulty). If responses are not consecutive‚ code as blank.
There are eight categories; first score within each category:
Dressing and Grooming‚ includes items 1 and 2
Arising‚ includes items 3 and 4
Eating‚ includes items 5‚ 6 and 7
Walking‚ includes items 8 and 9
Hygiene‚ includes items 10‚ 11‚ and 12
Reach‚ includes items 13 and 14
Grip‚ includes items 15‚ 16 and 17
Activities‚ includes items 18‚ 29‚ and 20
Each of the items has a companion aids-devices variable that is used to record what type(s) of assistance‚ if any‚ the subject uses for his/her usual activities. These variables are coded as follows:
 0 = No assistance is needed
 1 = A special device is used by the subject in his/her usual activities
 2 = The subject usually needs help from another person
 3 = The subject usually needs BOTH a special device AND help from another person

Fries‚ JF‚ Spitz‚ P.‚ Kraines‚ RG.‚ et al. (1980). Measurement of patient outcome in arthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatism‚ 23:137–145.

Fries‚ JF.‚ Spitz‚ PW.‚ Young‚ DY. (1982). The dimensions of health outcomes: the Health Assessment Questionnaire‚ disability and pain scales. J Rheumatol‚ 9:789–793.

Fries‚ JF. (1983). Toward an understanding of patient outcome measurement. Arthritis and Rheumatism‚ 26:697–704.

Pincus‚ T.‚ Summey‚ JA.‚ Soraci‚ SA.‚ Jr.‚ et al.(1983). Assessment of patient satisfaction in activities of daily living using a modified Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire. Arthritis and Rheumatism‚ 26:1346–1353.

Goeppinger‚ J.‚ Doyle‚ M.‚ Murdock‚ B. (1985). Self-administered function measures: the impossible dream? Arthritis and Rheumatism‚ 28(suppl):145.

Pincus‚ T.‚ Callahan‚ LF.‚ Brooks‚ RH.‚ et al. (1989). Self-report questionnaire scores in rheumatoid arthritis compared with traditional physical‚ radiographic‚ and laboratory measures. Ann Intern Med‚ 110:259–266.

Fries‚ JF.‚ Spitz‚ PW. (1990). The hierarchy of patient outcomes. In: Spilker B‚ ed. Quality of life assessments in clinical trials. New York: Raven Press‚ 25–35.

Ramey‚ DR.‚ Raynauld‚ J-P‚ Fries‚ JF. (1992). The Health Assessment Questionnaire 1992: status and review. Arthritis Care Res‚ 5:119–129.

Milligan‚ SE.‚ Hom‚ DL.‚ Ballou‚ SP.‚ et al. (1993). An assessment of the Health Assessment Questionnaire functional ability index among women with systemic lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol‚ 20:972–976.

Lorig‚ KR.‚ Sobel‚ DS.‚ Ritter‚ PL.‚ Laurent‚ D.‚ Hobbs‚ M. (2001). Effect of a self-management program on patients with chronic disease. Effective Clinical Practice‚ 4:256-262.

Bruce‚ Bonnie.‚ Fries‚ JF. (2003). The Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire: Dimensions and Practical Applications. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes‚ 1: 20

McDowell‚ Ian. (2006). Measuring Health: A Guide to Rating Scales and Questionnaires‚ Third Edition. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Rastmanesh‚ R.‚ Rabiee‚ S.‚Shaabani‚ Y.‚ Mazinani‚ H.‚ Ebrahimi‚ AA.‚Jamshidi‚ AR. (2010). Validation of the Persian version of the Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS)‚ 1(1): 16-25

Mobini‚ Maryam.‚ Mohammadpour‚ Reza Ali.‚ Khalilian‚ Ali Reza.‚ Anvari‚ Fatemeh.‚ Lamsehchi‚ Narges. (2012). Measuring the Validity and Reliability of the Persian Version of Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire in Iranian Patients with Osteoarthritis. Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences‚ 16(9): 30-33

Tagharrobi‚ Z.‚ Sharifi‚ KH.‚ Sooky‚ Z. (2013). Psychometric evaluation of Stanford health assessment questionnaire 8-item disability index (HAQ 8-item DI) in elderly people. Holistic Nursing And Midwifery Journal‚ 24(71): 9-20
