Happiness- Children and Marriage Scale

Domain:         Marriage and Pregnancy

Measure:        ENRICH: Enriching and Nurturing Relationship Issues, Communication, and Happiness- Children and Marriage Scale (Olson, Fournier, & Druckman, 1985)

  • 1 = Strongly agree
  • 2 = Moderately agree
  • 3 = Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4 = Moderately disagree
  • 5 = Strongly disagree

Children and Marriage

5. In our family, the father does not spend enough time with the children.
19. I am satisfied with how we share the responsibilities of raising our children.
34. We agree on how to discipline our children.
49. Children seem to be a major source of problems in our relationship.
50. We agree on the number of children we would like to raise.
58. It bothers me that my partner seems to place more importance on the children than on our marriage.
67. Having children has brought us closer together as a couple.
87. My partner and I have different views on the religious education for our children.
93. Since having children, we seldom have time together as a couple.
102. Conflict about how much we should do for our children is a problem for us.


Tzeng, O. C. S. (1993). Measurement of love and intimate relations. Westport, CT.: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
