Family APGAR

01. I am satisfied with the help that I receive from my family when something is troubling me.
02. I am satisfied with the way my family discusses items of common interest and shares problem solving with me.
03. I find that my family accepts my wishes to take on new activities or make changes in my lifestyle.
04. I am satisfied with the way my family expresses affection and responds to my feelings such as anger‚ sorrow‚ and love.
05. I am satisfied with the amount of time my family and I spend together.
  • Adaptability
  • Affection
This instrument can be found on pages 16-18 of Latino Families and Youth: A Compendium of Assessment Tools‚ available online at:
Point values are assigned as follows:
0 = Hardly ever
1 = Some of the time
2 = Almost always
The scores of the items are added; the total score for the scale ranges between 0 and 10 points. Higher scores indicate greater satisfaction or family functionality.
0–3 Points: Severely Dysfunctional Family
4–6 Points: Moderately Dysfunctional Family
7–10 Points: Functional Family.

Smilkstein‚ G. (1978). The family APGAR: A proposal for a family function test and its use by physicians. Journal of Family Practice‚ 6(6)‚ 1231-1239.

Goodman‚ S. H.‚ Hoven‚ C. W.‚ Narrow‚ W. E.‚ Cohen‚ P.‚ Fielding‚ B.‚ Alegria‚ M.‚ et al. (1998). Measurement ofrisk for mental disorders and competence in a psychiatricepidemiologic community survey: The National Instituteof Mental Health Methods for the Epidemiology of Childand Adolescent Mental Disorders (MECA) study. SocialPsychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology‚ 33(4)‚ 162-173
