Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT)


The next questions will help us to understand whether use of drugs other than alcohol is a problem for you. This includes illicit drugs & pharmaceutical medications (e.g. sleeping pills, pain killers). It does not include medication that you take as prescribed by your doctor.

Please respond in a way that best describes your use of all drugs (other than alcohol). If you haven’t been using any, then you don’t need to answer the questions.

1 How often do you use drugs other than alcohol?
0 Never
1 Monthly or less
2 2-4 times a month
3 2-3 times a week
4 4 or more times a week
2 How often do you use more than one drug on the same occasion?
0 Never
1 Less than monthly
2 Monthly
3 Weekly
4 Daily or almost daily
3 How many times do you take drugs on a typical day when you use drugs?
0 0
1 1-2
2 3-4
3 5-6
4 7 or more
4 How often are you influenced heavily by drugs?
0 Never
1 Less often than once a month
2 Every month
3 Every week
4 Daily or almost every day
5 Over the past year, have you felt that your longing for drugs was so strong that you could not resist it?
0 Never
1 Less often than once a month
2 Every month
3 Every week
4 Daily or almost every day
6 Has it happened, over the past year, that you have not been able to stop taking drugs once you started?
0 Never
1 Less often than once a month
2 Every month
3 Every week
4 Daily or almost every day
7 How often over the past year have you taken drugs and then neglected to do something you should have done?
0 Never
1 Less often than once a month
2 Every month
3 Every week
4 Daily or almost every day
8 How often over the past year have you needed to take a drug the morning after heavy drug use the day before?
0 Never
1 Less often than once a month
2 Every month
3 Every week
4 Daily or almost every day
9 How often over the past year have you had guilt feelings or a bad conscience because you used drugs?
0 Never
1 Less often than once a month
2 Every month
3 Every week
4 Daily or almost every day
10 Have you or anyone else been hurt (mentally or physically) because you used drugs?
0 No
2 Yes, but not over the past year
4 Yes, over the past year
11 Has a relative or a friend, a doctor or a nurse, or anyone else, been worried about your drug use or said to you that you should stop using drugs?
0 No
2 Yes, but not over the past year
4 Yes, over the past year


The Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) was developed as a parallel instrument to the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) for identification of individuals with drug-related problems. It is an 11 item self report instrument that asks about patterns of drug-related problems.

Validity and Reliability

The DUDIT was originally evaluated for its sensitivity to DSM-4 defined drug dependence, finding that a cut-off score of 25 yielded a sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of 88% (Bernman, Bregman, Palmstierna & Schlyter, 2005). The average score for a drug use sample (n = 160) from Sweden was 33.2 (SD= 8.0).


Scores are presented as a total score, which can be between 0 to 44. If a male client shows a score of 6 or more points, he probably has drug related problems – either substance abuse/harmful use or dependence. A woman with a score of 2 or more points probably has drug-related problems. If a client (either sex) shows a score of 25 points or more, it is highly probable that he or she is dependent on one or more drugs.


Berman, A. H., Bergman, H., Palmstierna, T., & Schlyter, F. (2003). The Drug Use Disorders Identification Test Manual. Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Neuroscience Section for Alcohol and Drug Dependence Research, M4:02, 171 76 Stockholm.

Number Of Questions



Berman, A. H., Bergman, H., Palmstierna, T., & Schlyter, F. (2005). Evaluation of the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) in criminal justice and detoxification settings and in a Swedish population sample. European addiction research, 11(1), 22-31.

Developer Reference:

Berman, A. H., Bergman, H., Palmstierna, T., & Schlyter, F. (2003). The Drug Use Disorders Identification Test Manual. Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Neuroscience Section for Alcohol and Drug Dependence Research, M4:02, 171 76 Stockholm.
