Conflicts and Problem-Solving Scales (CPS)

Conflicts and ProblemSolving Scales (CPS) is a tool used by psychologists and counselors to assess the degree of conflict and problemsolving skills of individuals. The tool is designed to help individuals identify their strengths and weaknesses in managing conflicts and problemsolving. Conflicts and ProblemSolving Scales (CPS) is composed of four scales. The first scale assesses the degree of conflict in the individuals life. It measures the individuals ability to recognize and manage conflicts in their life. The second scale measures the individuals problemsolving skills. It assesses the individuals ability to identify and solve problems in their life. The third scale measures the individuals ability to manage stress. It assesses the individuals ability to cope with and manage stress in their life. The fourth scale measures the individuals ability to handle interpersonal conflicts. It assesses the individuals ability to handle conflicts with other people in their life. Conflicts and ProblemSolving Scales (CPS) can be used to assess a variety of different situations. It can be used to assess conflicts in the workplace, in relationships, or in other areas of life. It can also be used to assess how well an individual is managing their own conflicts and problemsolving skills. The results of Conflicts and ProblemSolving Scales (CPS) can be used to help individuals identify their strengths and weaknesses in managing conflicts and problemsolving. It can also be used to develop strategies for improving an individuals conflict and problemsolving skills. Conflicts and ProblemSolving Scales (CPS) is a useful tool for psychologists and counselors to assess the degree of conflict and problemsolving skills of individuals. It can be used to identify an individuals strengths and weaknesses in managing conflicts and problemsolving and to develop strategies for improving an individuals conflict and problemsolving skills.
Frequency/ severity
All couples have conflicts from time to time‚ and there are many ways that partners can try to handle disagreements when they arise Please tell us about yours DURING THE LAST YEAR.
1. How often do you and your partner have minor disagreements (e .g. ·’spats”‚ getting on each other’s nerves)?
1=once a year or less‚ 2=every 4 – 6 months‚ 3=every 2 – 3 months‚ 4=once or twice a month‚ 5=once or twice a week‚ 6=just about every day
2. How often do you and your partner have major disagreements (e.g. big fights‚ “blow-ups”)?
1=once a year or less‚ 2=every 4 – 6 months‚ 3=every 2 – 3 months‚ 4=once or twice a month‚ 5=once or twice a week‚ 6=just about every day
Degree of problem/  Efficacy
Left side: For each issue‚ please rate how much of a problem it is currently in your relationship on a scale ranging from: 0 (no problem at all) to 100 (a severe problem):
Right side: For each problem ‚ please rate how often you resolve disagreements to your mutual satisfaction from 0 (never) to 100%‚ (always). I fit is no problem at all‚ leave this column blank Degree %of time of resolved problem
1.    Childrearing/ issues concerning child(ren)
2.    Career decisions
3.    Balancing demands of work and home life
4.    Household tasks‚ who does what around house
5.    Money‚ handling family finances
6.    Recreation‚ leisure time activities
7.    Relationships with in-laws
8.    Relationships with friends
9.    Jealousy/mistrust/extramarital affairs
10.Our sexual relationship
11.Communication between us
12.Demonstrating affect ion‚ intimacy‚ closeness
13.Amount of time spent together
14.Alcohol and/or drug use
15.Conduct (right‚ good‚ or proper behavior)
16.Aims‚ goals‚ values‚ philosophy of life
18.How we make decisions‚ who “calls the shots”‚ who is going to be the ” boss”
19.Personality clashes or differences (e.g. fee ling the other is moody‚ overly critical‚ or hard to get along with)
20.Differences of opinion regarding egalitarian versus traditional sex roles
21.Others: (specify)
Conflict strategies
What strategies do you and your partner use when you have disagreements with each other?
Using the four point scale below‚ show how often YOU use each strategy on the left side and how often YOUR PARTNER uses each strategy on the right side.
0= Never‚ 1=Rarely‚ 2=Sometimes‚ 3=Often
1.    Talk it out with one another [partner]
2.    Express thoughts and fee lings openly
3.    Listen to each other’s point of view
4.    Try to understand what partner is really feeling
5.    Try to reason with the other [partner]
6.    Seek intervention from a counselor/ therapist/ friend
7.    Try to find a solution that meets both [of our] needs equally
8.    Compromise‚ meet partner half way‚[ “split the difference”]
9.    Try to smooth things over
10.Give in to another’s [partner’s] viewpoint to escape argument
11. Try to ignore problem‚ avoid talking about it
12.Change the subject
13.Clam up‚ hold in Feelings
14.Leave the room
15.Leave the house [Storm out of the house]
16.Accept the blame‚ apologize
17. Placate [“Put up with”]‚ humor‚ indulge the other [partner]
19.Sulk‚ refuse to talk‚ give the “silent treatment”
20.Complain‚ bicker without really getting anywhere
21.Enlist friends or family to support own point of view
22.Threaten to end relationship
23.Withdraw love or affection
24.Become angry with child when really angry with partner
25.Argue in front of the child(ren)
26. Involve the chid(ren) in our argument
27.Insist on own point of view
28.Try to convince the other [partner] of own way of thinking
29. Raise voice‚ yell‚ shout
30.Interrupt/don ‘t listen to the other [partner]
31.Become sarcastic
32.Make accusations
33.Name-calling‚ cursing‚ insulting
34.Say or do something to hurt other’s [partner’s] feelings
35.Throw objects‚ slam doors‚ break things
36.Throw something [at partner]
37. Threaten to hurt partner
38. Push‚ pull‚ shove‚ grab. handle partner [roughly]
39.Slap partner
40.Strike‚ kick‚ bite partner
41.Beat up partner [Beat partner severely]
42. Harm self
43. Confide in child(ren) about problems with partner
44. Confide in child(ren) about problems with partner
45. Argue when the child(ren) might be able to overhear
46. Talk with child(ren) about conflict with spouse [partner]
Frequency/ severity(alpha 0.75 and 0.78)‚ Degree of problem (alpha 0.98 and 0.98)‚ resolution (alpha 0.79 and 0.79)‚ and efficacy (alpha 0.94 and 0.91)
Conflict strategies: Collaboration (alpha 0.86 and 0.86)‚ Avoidance-Capitulation (alpha 0.70 and 0.74)‚ stonewalling/ stalemate (alpha 0.76 and 0.78)‚ Verbal Aggression (alpha 0.85 and 0.84)‚ Physical Aggression (alpha 0.83 and 0.87)‚ Child Involvement (alpha 0.81 and 0.85)
0= Never‚ 1=Rarely‚ 2=Sometimes‚ 3=Often
This instrument can be found online at:

Kerig‚ P. K. (1996). Assessing the links between interparental conflcit and child adjustment: The Conflicts and Problem-Solving Scales. Journal of Family Psychology‚ 10‚ 454-473.

Kielpikowski‚ Magdalena Maria. (2011). Family Dynamics and Children’s Outcomes: the Role of Silent Interparental Conflict. Victoria University of Wellington. Doctoral thesis.

Hogge‚ Jennifer L.‚ (2007). “Relationships Among Marital Satisfaction‚ Marital Conflict Dimensions‚ and Marital Conflict Strategies” . All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Paper 2595.
