Communication Training Impact Questionnaire

DeWine, S. (1987). Evaluation of organizational communication competency: The development of the Communication Training Impact Questionnaire. Journal of Applied Communication Research 15:113–27.

Comments: The 20-item Communication Training Impact Questionnaire (CTIQ) assesses behavioral changes and ap- plication in work situations of training impact. This questionnaire, which is based on the model of training impact developed by Kirkpatrick, corresponds to level three in Kirkpatrick’s research (improvements in job behavior). The other three levels that he examines are: general reaction; knowledge, attitudes or skills; and organizational results. In addition to the CTIQ, there is also a 13-item Supervisor’s Training Impact Questionnaire that measures the impact of the training program on the worker’s job.

Scale Construction: Based upon a review of the literature and topics recommended by Cornwell (1980), 31 items were written to fit into five categories. The results of factor analytic procedures reduced the total number of items to 20.

Sample: The original sample consisted of 267 people who were taking some kind of communication training program. The participants filled out the questionnaire between two and four weeks after finishing the training. The majority of the participants were middle managers (110), then college students enrolled in a leadership training program (63), 60 student doctors, and 34 workers in a financial organization.

Reliability: An alpha coefficient of 0.88 is reported for the entire sample. For middle managers the alpha coefficient was 0.87; 0.93 for college students; and 0.90 for student doctors and workers in a financial organization.

Validity: An oblique factor analysis and scree test yielded two factors: relationship of training to job and skilled performance. Relationship of training to the job consists of items 1–4, 10, 14, and 20–23; and skill performance consists of items 5–9, 11–13, 16, and 19. Evidence of predictive validity was also presented.

Data Analysis: Means and standard deviations are presented as well as the results of the factor analysis.


Cornwall, J. B. (1980). Measuring back-on-the-job performance. Training 289–92.

DeWine, S., and Pearson, J. S. (1985). The most frequently used self-report instrument in communications. Paper presented at the International Communication Association.

Kirkpatrick, D. L. (1967). Evaluation of training. In R. L. Craig and L. R. Bittel (Eds.), Training and Development Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill.

———. (1979). Techniques for evaluating training programs. Training and Development Journal 78–92.

Ledebur, G. W. (1982). Effects of interpersonal skill training upon the quality of parent-teacher conferences. Doctoral dissertation, Lehigh University.

Communication Training Impact Questionnaire

1. I use this skill regularly on the job.
2. After this training program I would perform this skill without practicing.
3. I didn’t learn this skill in the training program, so I had to learn it on the job.
4. I perform the skill differently on the job because work conditions don’t permit me to perform it the way I learned in the training program.
5. I perform the skills differently on the job because the skill doesn’t work the way I learned it in training.
6. I perform the skill differently on the job because my supervisor told me to do it differently.
7. I never perform this skill on the job.
8. The skill isn’t part of my job.
9. I get help to perform the skill because I didn’t learn it in the training program.
10. I don’t perform the skill on the job because the skill is too difficult for me.
11. I don’t perform the skill on the job because the skill comes up so rarely that I forgot how to do it.
12. I don’t perform the skill because I was assigned a different job.
13. I learned to perform the task well in the training program because the program was effective.
14. The skill could be learned from a manual or an instruction sheet as easily as in a training program.
15. I had trouble learning the skill because the training program was confusing.
16. The skill would have been easier to learn with more reference materials.
17. Because of learning this skill I feel more comfortable about doing my job.
18. Because of attending this training program, I feel better about the company.
19. After attending this training program, I am interested in attending other training programs.
20. I think my participation in this training program will help me to advance in the company.

Scoring: Strongly Disagree = 1; Disagree = 2; Sometimes Agree and Sometimes Disagree = 3; Agree = 4; and Strongly Agree = 5. Scoring is reversed on the following items: 3–12 and 14–16.
