Cambridge Mental Disorders of ordinal the Elderly Examination (CAMDEX)

Cambridge Mental Disorders of ordinal the Elderly Examination (CAMDEX)
Roth‚ 1986‚ 1998
Summary of the Content of the CAMCOG Section of the CAMDEX
Cognitive function‚ (Summary of content)‚ Maximum score
Orientation‚ (Date; season; place) 10
Language: comprehension‚ (Following instructions; reading comprehension; and expression logical reasoning; naming; writing) 30
Memory: remote‚ recent‚ and learning (Historical people; current politicians; immediate and delayed recall recall) 27
Attention and calculation Praxis‚ (Counting backward; serial sevens; calculation Copying designs (pentagons‚ spirals‚ clock 12 drawing); following instructions) 9
Abstract thinking (Similarities) 8
Perception (Recognizing famous people and objects) 9
ex‎ecutive function (Animal naming; similarities; developing ideas; visual reasoning.) 28

Roth‚ M.‚ Tym‚ E.‚ Mountjoy‚ C.Q.‚ et al. (1986). CAMDEX: a standardized instrument for the diagnosis of mental disorder in the elderly with special reference to the elderly detection of dementia. British Journal of Psychiatry; 149‚ 698- 709.

Hendrie‚ H.C.‚ Hall‚ K.S.‚ Brittain‚ H.M.‚ et al. (1988). The CAMDEX: a standardized instrument for the diagnosis of mental disorder in the elderly: a replication with a US sample. J Am Geriatr Soc‚ 36:402–408.

O’Connor‚ D.W.‚ Pollitt‚ P.A.‚ Hyde‚ J.B.‚ Fellows‚ J.L.‚ Miller‚ N.D.‚ Brook‚ C.P.‚ Reiss‚ B.B.‚ Roth‚ M. (1989). The prevalence of dementia as measured by the Cambridge Mental Disorders of the Elderly Examination. Acta Psychiatr Scand‚ 79(2):190-8.

McDowell‚ Ian. (2006). Measuring Health: A Guide to Rating Scales and Questionnaires‚ Third Edition. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
