Adversarial Heterosexual Beliefs Scale

1. In dating relationships people are mostly out to take advantage of each other.
2. If you don’t show who’s boss in the beginning of a relationship you will be taken advantage of later.
3. Most people are pretty devious and manipulative when they are trying to attract someone of the opposite sex.
4. Men and women are generally out to use each other.
5. It’s impossible for men and women to truly understand each other.
6. In the work force any gain by one sex necessitates a loss for the other.
7. When women enter the work force they are taking jobs away from men.
8. Men and women cannot really be friends.
9. Sex is like a game where one person “wins” and the other “loses.” 10. In all societies it is inevitable that one sex is dominant.
11. It is natural for one spouse to be in control of the other.
12. When it comes to sex‚ most people are just trying to use the other person.
13. It is possible for the sexes to be equal in society.
14. Men and women share more similarities than differences.
15. It is possible for a man and a woman to be “just friends.”
  • Rape
  • victim
This instrument can be found on page 32 of Measures for the assessment of dimensions of violence against women: A compendium Compiled by Michael Flood‚ available online at:
seven-point Likert-type scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 7 = strongly agree

Lonsway‚ K.A.‚ and L.F. Fitzgerald. (1995). Attitudinal antecedents of rape myth acceptance: A theoretical and empirical reexamination. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology‚ 68(4)‚ April‚ 704-711.
