1| What is Anger Stage?
Answer: Anger stage is a concept in psychology which describes the five distinct stages of anger that a person can experience in response to a perceived provocation. These stages are cognitive appraisal, physiological arousal, outward expression, cognitive reframing, and rationalization.

2| What are the five stages of anger?
Answer: The five stages of anger are cognitive appraisal, physiological arousal, outward expression, cognitive reframing, and rationalization.

3| What is cognitive appraisal?
Answer: Cognitive appraisal is the first stage of the anger process, in which a person assesses the situation and determines whether they are being wronged or treated unfairly.

4| What is physiological arousal?
Answer: Physiological arousal is the second stage of the anger process, in which the body prepares itself for fight or flight by releasing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

5| What is outward expression?
Answer: Outward expression is the third stage of the anger process, in which the person expresses their anger in some way such as shouting, hitting, or verbal abuse.

6| What is cognitive reframing?
Answer: Cognitive reframing is the fourth stage of the anger process, in which the person attempts to reframe the situation in order to understand it better and come to a more productive resolution.

7| What is rationalization?
Answer: Rationalization is the fifth stage of the anger process, in which the person attempts to justify their actions and feelings in order to make them more palatable.

8| How does cognitive appraisal lead to anger?
Answer: Cognitive appraisal leads to anger when the person assesses the situation and believes that they are being wronged or treated unfairly. This feeling of injustice leads to the other stages of anger.

9| How does physiological arousal help with anger?
Answer: Physiological arousal helps with anger by preparing the body for fight or flight by releasing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can help the person to better manage their emotions.

10| How can cognitive reframing help with anger?
Answer: Cognitive reframing can help with anger by allowing the person to reframe the situation in order to understand it better and come to a more productive resolution. This can help the person to better manage their emotions and come to a more productive resolution.
