1 | What is absolute judgment?
Answer: Absolute judgment is a type of judgment in which the decision or outcome is determined solely by legal principles or facts, without considering any opinion or evidence from the parties involved.

2 | How is absolute judgment different from relative judgment?
Answer: Relative judgment involves making a decision based on the opinion or evidence of the parties involved, while absolute judgment is based solely on legal principles or facts.

3 | What legal precedents have been set by absolute judgment?
Answer: Absolute judgment has been used in numerous cases throughout the history of the legal system. For example, in Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the Supreme Court used absolute judgment to decide that laws allowing racial segregation in public schools were unconstitutional.

4 | What is the difference between objective and subjective absolute judgment?
Answer: Objective absolute judgment is based solely on legal principles or facts, while subjective absolute judgment considers the opinion or evidence of the parties involved to some extent.

5 | Are there any risks associated with absolute judgment?
Answer: Yes, the risk of the decision being too rigid or unfair, as the lack of consideration for the opinion or evidence of the parties involved may lead to an outcome that is not in line with the intentions of the law.

6 | Is absolute judgment always used in legal proceedings?
Answer: No, absolute judgment is only used in certain types of cases where the decision needs to be based solely on legal principles or facts.

7 | How is absolute judgment applied in criminal cases?
Answer: In criminal cases, absolute judgment is used to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused based solely on legal principles or facts, without considering any opinion or evidence from the parties involved.

8 | What is the relationship between absolute judgment and justice?
Answer: Absolute judgment is often used to ensure justice is served, as it is based solely on legal principles or facts without any external influence.

9 | How is absolute judgment used to protect civil rights?
Answer: Absolute judgment can be used to protect civil rights by ensuring that decisions are not based on opinion or evidence from the parties involved, but rather on legal principles or facts.

10 | Is absolute judgment used in civil cases?
Answer: Yes, absolute judgment is often used in civil cases, such as in contract disputes, to determine the outcome based solely on legal principles or facts.
