1| What is abortion counseling?
Abortion counseling is a type of counseling that provides support and guidance to individuals who are making decisions related to abortion. This type of counseling typically involves educating people about their reproductive options, exploring their feelings about the abortion decision, and providing resources related to abortion and other reproductive health issues.

2| What does an abortion counselor do?
An abortion counselor typically provides counseling that is non-judgmental and supportive. They provide individuals with accurate information about their reproductive options and help individuals explore their feelings about the abortion decision. They also provide resources related to abortion and other reproductive health issues.

3| What is the role of an abortion counselor?
The role of an abortion counselor is to provide individuals with non-judgmental support and guidance as they make decisions related to abortion. This includes providing accurate information about their reproductive options, helping them explore their feelings about the abortion decision, and providing resources related to abortion and other reproductive health issues.

4| What kind of questions will an abortion counselor ask?
An abortion counselor typically asks questions about an individual’s reasons for considering abortion, any concerns they may have about the procedure, and what kind of support they may need. They also ask questions about the individual’s medical history, other reproductive health concerns, and any resources that may be needed.

5| How do I know if I should see an abortion counselor?
If you are considering abortion and would like more information and support, then it may be beneficial to speak with an abortion counselor. They can provide you with accurate information about your reproductive options and help you explore your feelings about the abortion decision.

6| What should I expect when talking to an abortion counselor?
When talking to an abortion counselor, you can expect to have a non-judgmental and supportive conversation. The counselor will typically provide accurate information about your reproductive options and help you explore your feelings about the abortion decision. They will also provide resources related to abortion and other reproductive health issues.

7| What should I bring to my abortion counseling appointment?
When preparing for your appointment with an abortion counselor, it is important to bring any relevant medical information and a list of questions and concerns you may have. It is also beneficial to bring a friend or family member for support, if desired.

8| How long does an abortion counseling session typically last?
The length of an abortion counseling session varies depending on the individual’s needs. Typically, an abortion counseling session will last between 45 minutes and one hour.

9| Is abortion counseling confidential?
Yes, abortion counseling is confidential. Any information shared with an abortion counselor will not be shared with anyone else without the individual’s consent.

10| How much does abortion counseling cost?
The cost of abortion counseling varies depending on the provider and the individual’s insurance coverage. It is important to contact the provider prior to the appointment to discuss any potential costs associated with the counseling session.
