
A Hypercolumn is a group of nerve cells in the brain that helps us interpret what we see by enabling us to analyze the size, shape, speed, and direction of visual stimuli.

To understand Hypercolumns, we need to know what columns are. A column is a group of three cells, with each cell responding to a different aspect of a visual stimulus. For example, when presented a thick, vertical, blue line, one cell interprets the thickness of the line, the second cell interprets the orientation of the line, and the third cell interprets the blue color. They work together to enable you to see a thick, vertical, blue line. A column receives information from either the left eye or the right eye.

A Hypercolumn is a set of columns that function as a unit that enables us to see one specific portion of the visual field. It is composed of at least two columns, one with information from the left eye, and another with information from the right eye. A group of Hypercolumns  working together allows us to see one complete picture.

See also: Column
