
Glycogen is medically described as a multi-branched polysaccharide of glucose that is stored in the body as a secondary source long-term storage of energy. This energy potential is primarily stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue of the liver and muscles with a nominal amount being stored in the kidney, red blood cells, and the glial cells of the brain and uterus. This storage is accomplished with 3-4 parts water to one part glycogen.The actual amount of glycogen is dependent on eating habits, basic metabolic rate, and physical training. When a person eats a meal their glucose level rises and this causes the pancreas to secrete insulin. As food is digested both the glucose and insulin levels fall. When a demand is then made for energy the liver will secrete some of the stored glycogen to form glucose. This source of glucose will be in use until the next meal. If the pancreas does not excrete insulin to balance the glucose level, the person is said to be diabetic. If the pancreas secretes too much insulin that overwhelms the glucose level, the person is said to be hypoglycemic.
