Coronaviruses (CoV)

Coronaviruses (CoV) are known to cause respiratory infections such as the common flu and more serious cases like COVID-19, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It got its name from the Latin word “corona” which means “crown”. When examined through an electron microscope, the virus has spikes that may seem like a crown.

This large family of viruses may infect both animals and humans; they are zoonotic which means that they can be transmitted between animals and humans. For instance, MERS was traced to the transfer of the virus from camels to humans, SARS was from civet cats to humans, and COVID-19 was speculated to be from bats to humans. The general symptoms of CoV infection include cough, fever, and difficulties in breathing. Severe conditions may lead pneumonia, kidney failure, and even death.

Please refer to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for the most up to date information.
