What is the process for displaying full column content in PySpark?

The process for displaying full column content in PySpark involves using the show() function on a DataFrame or a column object. This function will print out the entire contents of the specified column, rather than truncating it. Additionally, you can pass in the optional argument “truncate=False” to the show() function to ensure that no truncation occurs. This process is useful for when you need to view the complete data in a column for data analysis or debugging purposes.

You can use the following methods to force a PySpark DataFrame to show the full content of each column, regardless of width:

Method 1: Use truncate=False


Method 2: Use truncate=0


The following examples show how to use each method in practice with the following PySpark DataFrame:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

#define data
data = [['A', 'Andy Bob Chad Doug Eric', 136], 
        ['B', 'Frank Henry', 223], 
        ['C', 'Ian John Ken Liam Mike Noah', 450], 
        ['D', 'Oscar Prim', 290], 
        ['E', 'Quentin Ross Sarah', 189]]
#define column names
columns = ['store', 'employees', 'sales'] 
#create dataframe using data and column names
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns) 
#view dataframe

|store|           employees|sales|
|    A|Andy Bob Chad Dou...|  136|
|    B|         Frank Henry|  223|
|    C|Ian John Ken Liam...|  450|
|    D|          Oscar Prim|  290|
|    E|  Quentin Ross Sarah|  189|

Notice that some of the rows in the employees column are cut off because they exceed the default width in PySpark, which is 20 characters.

Example 1: Show Full Column Content Using truncate=False

We can use the truncate=False argument to show the full content of each content in the PySpark DataFrame:

#view dataframe with full column content

|store|employees                  |sales|
|A    |Andy Bob Chad Doug Eric    |136  |
|B    |Frank Henry                |223  |
|C    |Ian John Ken Liam Mike Noah|450  |
|D    |Oscar Prim                 |290  |
|E    |Quentin Ross Sarah         |189  |

Notice that we can now see the full content of the employees column.

Example 2: Show Full Column Content Using truncate=0

We can also use the truncate=0 argument to show the full content of each content in the PySpark DataFrame:

#view dataframe with full column content

|store|employees                  |sales|
|A    |Andy Bob Chad Doug Eric    |136  |
|B    |Frank Henry                |223  |
|C    |Ian John Ken Liam Mike Noah|450  |
|D    |Oscar Prim                 |290  |
|E    |Quentin Ross Sarah         |189  |

Once again, we can now see the full content of the employees column.

Note: You can find the complete documentation for the PySpark show function .

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in PySpark:
