What is the Complete Guide to Date Formats in R?

The Complete Guide to Date Formats in R is a comprehensive reference guide to assist users with manipulating and formatting data in R. It covers topics such as the various date formats available in R, how to convert between date formats, and how to perform calculations with dates. This guide is designed to be a helpful resource for users of all experience levels.

The following table shows a variety of symbols that you can use to format dates in R:

Symbol Definition Example
%d Day as a number 19
%a Abbreviated weekday Sun
%A Unabbreviated weekday Sunday
%m Month as a number 04
%b Abbreviated month Feb
%B Unabbreviated month February
%y 2-digit year 14
%Y 4-digit year 2014

The following examples show how to use each of these formats in practice.

Example 1: Format Date with Day, Month, Year

The following code shows how to format a date using a month/day/year format:

#define date
date <- as.Date("2021-01-25")

#format date
formatted_date <- format(date, format="%m/%d/%y")

#display formatted date

[1] "01/25/21"

Note that we can use whatever separators we’d like in between each value.

For example, we could use dashes instead:

#define date
date <- as.Date("2021-01-25")

#format date
formatted_date <- format(date, format="%m-%d-%y")

#display formatted date

[1] "01-25-21"

Example 2: Format Date as Weekday

The following code shows how to format a date using a weekday format:

#define date
date <- as.Date("2021-01-25")

#format date as abbreviated weekday
format(date, format="%a")

[1] "Mon"

#format date as unabbreviated weekday
format(date, format="%A")

[1] "Monday"

Example 3: Format Date as Month

The following code shows how to format a date as a month:

#define date
date <- as.Date("2021-01-25")

#format date as abbreviated month
format(date, format="%b")

[1] "Jan"

#format date as unabbreviated month
format(date, format="%B")

[1] "January"

We can also format the date as a month and a day:

#define date
date <- as.Date("2021-01-25")

#format date as abbreviated month
format(date, format="%b %d")

[1] "Jan 25"

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common operations involving dates in R:
