How to Use the coalesce() Function in dplyr (With Examples)

The coalesce() function in dplyr is a useful tool when dealing with different data types of columns. It enables you to return the first non-missing value in a vector, list, or data frame. It is useful when dealing with missing values in a dataset and can be used to replace missing values with a default value. It takes multiple arguments and returns the first non-missing argument, or NULL if all the arguments are missing. Examples are provided to demonstrate how the coalesce() function is used.

You can use the coalesce() function from the package in R to return the first non-missing value in each position of one or more vectors.

There are two common ways to use this function:

Method 1: Replace Missing Values in Vector


#replace missing values with 100
coalesce(x, 100)

Method 2: Return First Non-Missing Value Across Data Frame Columns


#return first non-missing value at each position across columns A and B
coalesce(df$A, df$B)

The following examples show how to each method in practice.

Example 1: Use coalesce() to Replace Missing Values in Vector

The following code shows how to use the coalesce() function to replace all missing values in a vector with a value of 100:


#create vector of values
x <- c(4, NA, 12, NA, 5, 14, 19)

#replace missing values with 100
coalesce(x, 100)

[1]   4 100  12 100   5  14  19

Notice that each NA value in the original vector has been replaced with a value of 100.

Example 2: Use coalesce() to Return First Non-Missing Value Across Data Frame Columns

Suppose we have the following data frame in R:

#create data frame
df <- data.frame(A=c(10, NA, 5, 6, NA, 7, NA),
                 B=c(14, 9, NA, 3, NA, 10, 4))

#view data frame

   A  B
1 10 14
2 NA  9
3  5 NA
4  6  3
6  7 10
7 NA  4

The following code shows how to use the coalesce() function to return the first non-missing value across columns A and B in the data frame:


#create new column that coalesces values from columns A and B
df$C <- coalesce(df$A, df$B)

#view updated data frame

   A  B  C
1 10 14 10
2 NA  9  9
3  5 NA  5
4  6  3  6
6  7 10  7
7 NA  4  4

The resulting column C contains the first non-missing value across columns A and B.

We can simply add one more value to the coalesce() function to use as the value if there happen to be NA values in each column:


#create new column that coalesces values from columns A and B
df$C <- coalesce(df$A, df$B, 100)

#view updated data frame

   A  B   C
1 10 14  10
2 NA  9   9
3  5 NA   5
4  6  3   6
5 NA NA 100
6  7 10   7
7 NA  4   4

Notice that the NA value in row 5 of column C has now been replaced by a value of 100.

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common functions using dplyr:
