How to Select Columns by Name Using dplyr

The dplyr package in R makes selecting columns by name easy. Using the select() function, you can specify the exact name of the column or columns you want to select. You can also use the select() function to reorder the columns of a data frame, or to drop columns from the data frame. The select() function can help you quickly and efficiently manipulate the data in your data frames.

You can use the following methods to select columns of a data frame by name in R using the package:

Method 1: Select Specific Columns by Name

df %>% select(var1, var3)

Method 2: Select a Range of Columns by Name

df %>% select(var1:var3)

Method 3: Select All Columns Except Certain Columns

df %>% select(-c(var1, var3))

The following examples show how to use each method in practice with the following data frame in R:

#create data frame
df <- data.frame(points=c(1, 5, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8),
                 rebounds=c(10, 3, 3, 2, 6, 7, 12),
                 assists=c(5, 5, 7, 6, 7, 9, 15),
                 blocks=c(1, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 10))

#view data frame

  points rebounds assists blocks
1      1       10       5      1
2      5        3       5      1
3      4        3       7      0
4      5        2       6      4
5      5        6       7      3
6      7        7       9      2
7      8       12      15     10

Example 1: Select Specific Columns by Name

We can use the following code to select only the points and assists columns:


#select only points and assists columns
df %>% select(points, assists)

  points assists
1      1       5
2      5       5
3      4       7
4      5       6
5      5       7
6      7       9
7      8      15

Notice that only the points and assists columns are returned.

Example 2: Select a Range of Columns by Name

We can use the following code to select all columns between the names points and assists.


#select all columns between points and assists
df %>% select(points:assists)

  points rebounds assists
1      1       10       5
2      5        3       5
3      4        3       7
4      5        2       6
5      5        6       7
6      7        7       9
7      8       12      15

A range of columns is returned, starting with the points column and ending with the assists column.

Example 3: Select All Columns Except Certain Columns

We can use the following code to select all columns except the points and assists columns.


#select all columns except points and assists columns
df %>% select(-c(points, assists))

  rebounds blocks
1       10      1
2        3      1
3        3      0
4        2      4
5        6      3
6        7      2
7       12     10

All of the columns are returned except the points and assists columns.

Note: You can find the complete documentation for the select function in dplyr .

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common operations in dplyr:
