How to Rename an Object in R (With Examples)

R is a programming language used for data analysis and statistics. To rename an object in R, you can use the ‘assign’ or ‘rename’ functions. The assign function takes two arguments, the name of the object to be changed and the new name. The rename function takes a list containing the old and new names of the objects. Both functions are useful for making variable names more readable and understandable. Examples of how to use these functions are provided in the R documentation.

To rename an object in R, we can use the assignment operator as follows:

new_name <- old_name

This syntax can be used to rename vectors, data frames, matrices, lists, and any other type of data object in R.

The following example shows how to use this syntax in practice.

Example: Rename Object in R

Suppose we have the following data frame called my_data in R:

#create data frame
some_data <- data.frame(x=c(3, 4, 4, 5, 9),
                        y=c(3, 8, 7, 10, 4),
                        z=c(1, 2, 2, 6, 7))

#view data frame

  x  y z
1 3  3 1
2 4  8 2
3 4  7 2
4 5 10 6
5 9  4 7

We can use the assignment operator to rename this data frame to new_data:

#rename data frame
new_data <- some_data

#view data frame

  x  y z
1 3  3 1
2 4  8 2
3 4  7 2
4 5 10 6
5 9  4 7

Notice that we’re able to type new_data to view this data frame now.

However, it’s important to note that the old name some_data can still be used to reference this data frame:

#view data frame

  x  y z
1 3  3 1
2 4  8 2
3 4  7 2
4 5 10 6
5 9  4 7

To remove this name from our R environment, we can use the rm() function:

#remove old name of data frame

Now if we attempt to use the old name, the object will no longer be in an our environment:

#attempt to use old name to view data frame

Error: object 'some_data' not found 
