How to Perform a Median IF Function in Google Sheets?

In Google Sheets, the median IF function can be used to calculate the median of a range of values that meets certain criteria. This function takes three arguments: the range of cells to be evaluated, the criteria, and the range of cells containing the values to be averaged. The median IF function returns the median value of the cells in the range that meet the criteria.

You can use the following formula to perform a Median IF function in Google Sheets:


This formula finds the median value of all cells in some range that belong to a certain group.

When you type this formula into a cell, you need to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter since this is an array formula.

The following example shows how to use this function in practice.

Example: Median IF Function in Google Sheets

Suppose we have the following dataset that shows the total points scored by 15 different basketball players:

Now suppose we’d like to find the median of the points scored by players on each team.

To do so, we can use the =UNIQUE() function to first create a list of the unique teams. We’ll type the following formula into cell F2:


Once we press enter, a list of unique team names will be displayed:

Next, we can use the =MEDIAN() function to find the median number of points scored by players on each team.

We’ll type the following formula into cell G2 and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter so Google Sheets knows this is an array formula:

=MEDIAN(IF(B2:B16=F2, C2:C16))

Median IF in Google Sheets

That’s it!

Column F displays each of the unique teams and column G displays the median of the points scored by players on each team.

The following tutorials explain how to calculate other common metrics in Google Sheets:
