How to Create Pandas DataFrame from a String

To create a Pandas DataFrame from a string, you must first parse the string into a list of lists. Each item in the list will represent a row in the DataFrame. Then, you must use the DataFrame constructor to create the DataFrame, passing in the list of lists as the argument. Finally, you can modify the columns and rows of the DataFrame as needed.

You can use the following basic syntax to create a pandas DataFrame from a string:

import pandas as pd
import io   

df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(string_data), sep=",")

This particular syntax creates a pandas DataFrame using the values contained in the string called string_data.

The following examples show how to use this syntax in practice.

Example 1: Create DataFrame from String with Comma Separators

The following code shows how to create a pandas DataFrame from a string in which the values in the string are separated by commas:

import pandas as pd
import io

#define string
string_data="""points, assists, rebounds
5, 15, 22
7, 12, 9
4, 3, 18
2, 5, 10
3, 11, 5

#create pandas DataFrame from string
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(string_data), sep=",")

#view DataFrame

   points   assists   rebounds
0       5        15         22
1       7        12          9
2       4         3         18
3       2         5         10
4       3        11          5

The result is a pandas DataFrame with five rows and three columns.

Example 2: Create DataFrame from String with Semicolon Separators

The following code shows how to create a pandas DataFrame from a string in which the values in the string are separated by semicolons:

import pandas as pd
import io

#define string

#create pandas DataFrame from string
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(string_data), sep=";")

#view DataFrame

   points   assists   rebounds
0       5        15         22
1       7        12          9
2       4         3         18
3       2         5         10
4       3        11          5

The result is a pandas DataFrame with five rows and three columns.

If you have a string with a different separator, simply use the sep argument within the read_csv() function to specify the separator.
