How to Calculate a Weighted Average in SAS (With Examples)

Calculating a weighted average in SAS is a simple process that involves multiplying the raw data values by their corresponding weight values, then summing the results and dividing by the total weight. The syntax for this calculation is straightforward and can be used to calculate a weighted average using data from either a SAS dataset or an external data source. Examples of how to calculate a weighted average in SAS are provided below.

You can use the following methods to calculate a weighted average in SAS:

Method 1: Calculate Weighted Average

proc sql;
    create table new_data as
    select sum(weight * value) / sum(weight) as weighted_average
    from original_data;

Method 2: Calculate Weighted Average by Group

proc sql;
    create table new_data as
    select grouping_variable,
    sum(weight * value) / sum(weight) as weighted_average
    from original_data
    group by grouping_variable;

The following examples show how to use each method with the following dataset in SAS:

/*create dataset*/
data original_data;
    input sales_rep $ price amount;
A 8 1
A 5 3
A 6 2
B 7 2
B 12 5
B 14 4

/*view dataset*/
proc print data=original_data;

Example 1: Calculate Weighted Average

The following code shows how to calculate a weighted average for the price variable, using the amount variable as the weight:

/*calculate weighted average of price*/
proc sql;
    create table new_data as
    select sum(amount * price) / sum(amount) as weighted_average
    from original_data;

/*view weighted average of price*/
proc print data=new_data;

The weighted average of price turns out to be 9.70588.

Example 2: Calculate Weighted Average by Group

The following code shows how to calculate the weighted average of the price variable, grouped by the sales_rep variable:

/*calculate weighted average of price, grouped by sales_rep*/
proc sql;
    create table new_data as
    select sales_rep,
    sum(amount * price) / sum(amount) as weighted_average
    from original_data
    group by sales_rep;

/*view results*/
proc print data=new_data;

  • The weighted average of price for sales rep A is 5.8333.
  • The weighted average of price for sales rep B is 11.8182.

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in SAS:
