How do you use SUM IF in Power BI with an example?

SUM IF is a function in Power BI that allows you to add up values in a specific column based on a certain condition. To use it, you need to specify the criteria or condition that you want to meet and the range of values to be added. For example, if you have a dataset of sales records and want to find the total sales for a specific product, you can use SUM IF to add up the sales column only for that product. This function is useful for creating customized reports and analyzing data based on specific criteria.

You can use the following syntax in DAX to write a SUM IF function in Power BI:

Sum Points =
    SUM ( 'my_data'[Points] ),
    FILTER ( 'my_data', 'my_data'[Team] = EARLIER ( 'my_data'[Team] ) )

This particular formula creates a new column named Sum Points that contains the sum of values in the Points column for each unique value in the Team column in the table named my_data.

The following example shows how to use this formula in practice.

Example: How to Use SUM IF in Power BI

Suppose we have the following table in Power BI named my_data that contains information about various basketball players:

Suppose we would like to create a new column that shows the sum of points scored by players on each team.

To do so, click the Table tools tab, then click the New column icon:

Then type the following formula into the formula bar:

Sum Points =
    SUM ( 'my_data'[Points] ),
    FILTER ( 'my_data', 'my_data'[Team] = EARLIER ( 'my_data'[Team] ) )

A new column named Sum Points will be created that shows the sum of the points values for each team:

From the output we can see:

  • The sum of points value for players on the Mavs team is 75.
  • The sum of points value for players on the Rockets team is 48.
  • The sum of points value for players on the Spurs team is 65.
  • The sum of points value for players on the Hornets team is 31.

Note: You can find the complete documentation for the SUM function in Power BI .

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in Power BI:
