How do you Collapse Text by Group in Data Frame?

Collapsing text by group in a data frame is the process of combining the text from multiple rows from the same group or category into a single row. This is done by using a function such as groupby in pandas to group the data by a certain category, and then using a function such as sum or count to collapse the text for each group into a single row. This is useful for summarizing data in a data frame and reducing the amount of data displayed.

You can use the following methods to collapse text by group in a data frame in R:

Method 1: Collapse Text by Group Using Base R

aggregate(text_var ~ group_var, data=df, FUN=paste, collapse='')

Method 2: Collapse Text by Group Using dplyr


df %>%
  group_by(group_var) %>%
  summarise(text=paste(text_var, collapse=''))

Method 3: Collapse Text by Group Using data.table


dt <-

dt[, list(text_var=paste(text_var, collapse='')), by=group_var]

This tutorial explains how to use each method in practice with the following data frame:

#create data frame
df <- data.frame(team=c('A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B'),
                 position=c('Guard', 'Guard', 'Forward',
                            'Guard', 'Forward', 'Center'))

#view data frame

  team position
1    A    Guard
2    A    Guard
3    A  Forward
4    B    Guard
5    B  Forward
6    B   Center

Example 1: Collapse Text by Group Using Base R

The following code shows how to collapse the text in the position column, grouped by the team column using the aggregate() function from base R:

#collapse position values by team 
aggregate(position ~ team, data=df, FUN=paste, collapse='')

  team           position
1    A  GuardGuardForward
2    B GuardForwardCenter

Notice that each of the text values in the position column has been collapsed into one value, grouped by the values in the team column.

Example 2: Collapse Text by Group Using dplyr

The following code shows how to collapse the text in the position column, grouped by the team column using the summarise() function from the dplyr package:


#collapse position values by team
df %>%
  group_by(group_var) %>%
  summarise(text=paste(text_var, collapse=''))

# A tibble: 2 x 2
  team  text              
1 A     GuardGuardForward 
2 B     GuardForwardCenter

Notice that each of the text values in the position column has been collapsed into one value, grouped by the values in the team column.

Example 3: Collapse Text by Group Using data.table

The following code shows how to collapse the text in the position column, grouped by the team column using functions from the data.table package:


#convert data frame to data table
dt <-

#collapse position values by team 
dt[, list(text_var=paste(text_var, collapse='')), by=group_var]

   team           position
1:    A  GuardGuardForward
2:    B GuardForwardCenter

Each of the text values in the position column has been collapsed into one value, grouped by the values in the team column.

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in R:
